Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Egg Carton Caterpillars!

Can I just say what a fun daddy we have?! Sunday night he came downstairs after dinner and had armfuls of stuff to make egg carton caterpillars with the kids. Feathers, pipe-cleaners, balloons, markers, glue, you name it! They were so excited. So fun that he thinks of different things to do with the kids, keeping them entertained with out the TV on. Tyler was making a pouty face--but he loved it. I had another picture where he was laughing hard, but it was too fuzzy to post.
Cheesin' it. Bailey's caterpillar was much more frilly--fit for a princess.
Close up of Princess Bailey's bug!
The other night my kids wanted to have a sleepover on our floor. Normally I would say no way, but they have been sleeping on the floor in Bailey's room together for a few days, and why not move it into mom & dad's room? They slept great, and Mike didn't even step on them as he left for the gym in the dark. That's right--Mike has been doing really well with getting up at 5:30 to go to the gym, and I have not missed a day for 2 weeks--which is HUGE for us! We are both shooting for perfectly sculpted bods, so watch out!
This is a picture from Tyler's last game--just to keep you up to date. He actually did much better, despite the early 8 am game. Mike kept Bailey & Kyle home, so I could just focus on keeping Tyler motivated, which made a little bit of difference I think. He stayed out on the field most of the time, and actually went after the ball a few times. Progress, baby steps, we'll get there. He still keeps telling me not to sign him up next time!


Sidni Nielson said...

Props on the gym a roo!!! I want to be like you when I grow up!

Tiffany said...

What a great Daddy! I never knew egg cartons were so much fun. Today Brynlee cam home with an ant made out of them.

I cant way to see your sculpted bod! Congrats keep up the good work! Even if you body doesn't sculpt like you think it should you'll still feel great and know that your lookin your best!

Bill Cobabe said...

my kids still come down and sack out on our floor - especially when it's stormy...

It's fun. They won't want to do it for long...


Shanna said...

You are so cute with you kids and so creative! I love it.