Friday, March 27, 2009

Ode to random randomness...

So--this is just a very random post--but it is a post none the less! It never ceases to amaze me how the day seems to drag at points, and then all of a sudden--it's over! Between trying to keep my kids happy, fed and clothed; keeping up with house work, and feeling pretty crappy lately, and everything else that seems to POP UP, blogging has definitely taken a back seat. So sorry for all of you out there whom I know hang on my every post! ;D
A few weeks ago, Bailey was upset that Tyler wanted to sleep with the door open, and when Mike and I checked on them before we went to bed, this is when we found! She covered her face with her "blankie" to keep the light out of her eyes. What a funny girl I have. She had a nasty scab on her face from some little fever blisters, and it stuck around forever because she wouldn't leave it alone.
Last month my cousin Kelsey was down with her kids because my Uncle Glen was having heart surgery, and her kids came to play with us so she could have a little sane time at the hospital. We had a ton of fun with them. I am always more than happy to watch other people's kids--they help keep mine out of my hair! Tyler still remains the Wii Boxing champ. Dylan (cousin playing with him) said "How does he do that?" He is so funny to watch--you get a work out just by watching him!

Two little Princess' Bailey and Peyton. They are just a couple months apart, and are SOO much alike! They got all dressed up, and Peyton asked me to turn on music so they could dance. Kyle saw them and went and held hands with her and tried to dance too--it was soo cute! I couldn't get a picture before the moment was gone.

I purchased a new comforter last month--and Mike actually really likes it. AND, it already has been to the laundry mat once (We had a wonderful stomach bug around here last weekend!) and it washed up really well.

This is my awesome nephew Ian--they had just been to the sporting goods store to get him wrestling gear! He is so into it---it's great! He and Mike & Gordon had a fun time wrestling--funny to watch grown men wrestle a 12 year old!

Mike took this one of Kyle and I. Kyle is such a snuggler--I love it! It is soo sweet when he will just come up and snuggle with me--for no reason at all.

Not a super high quality photo, but Brooke and Audrey & I went out for a little girl time last month--it was lots of fun! We went to Iggy's, and I tried their Cheesecake that I have been drooling over on their commercials--it was soo good!! The best cheesecake I have ever had! Highly recommend it.

Daddy and Tyler working on Tyler's handwriting. He is doing so awesome in Preschool, and cannot wait until Kindergarten! I took them all to the dentist this week, and Tyler has his first loose tooth!! Not going to lie, I kinda teared up at the thought of him losing his first tooth. Big moment for mommy! Tyler thought until recently that once you lose a tooth, you can go to kindergarten. His little friend lost a tooth a few months ago, and Tyler said he would no longer be coming to preschool, because he was going to kindergarten now--how funny. He thinks of the most hilarious stuff! The other night after I kissed him goodnight, he told me I was the best mommy he ever had, and he wouldn't even wish for a better mommy than me! How sweet is that--just what I need to hear at the end of a long day.

I am not bright enough to rotate this, but had to show off my little Abraham Lincoln. I think we have the best preschool teacher ever, and am super sad that we won't have her next year! :(

Tyler and his Besty-bud Dallin with the stove pipe hats! Happy Birthday Abe!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Visiting Teaching

I saw this on my friends blog--and loved it! I felt it was appropriate with the movie coming out this next week!!

Trip to Grandma's House!

A few weeks ago we went up to Idaho to see my parents for the weekend while Mike went golfing in St. George. We had lot's of fun playing with Grandpa & Grandma, and we even went and played with some 2nd cousins at an awesome play place--but I forgot to bring my camera there! It was so funny, because you pay a couple of dollars for them to be able to play in the play area, and then they have a bunch of games to play on--that take tokens of course. Kind of like Chuck-E-Cheese--and all Bailey wanted to do was have money and play on the games! She is such a little money fien--she even went looking around on the floor, and asked the people at the counter to give her some! Nothing is ever enough for that girl--I am in for a looong road.

Again Blogger posts the pictures backward--I need to start remembering that! Grandpa came home with Drumstick ice cream cones for the kids. They loved them--but what a mess! We got in the tub after that!

Bailey LOVES Grandpa soo much! He was so great about letting her help with breakfast--he got this apron on her and everything. She is so eager to help, but it isn't always HELP!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pay it Forward.........

I got this from Rakel and Sidni's blog, and have finally decided I can't just be selfsih and wait for my prizes alone!

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me!Please keep in mind the following information which applies to this offer:

1-It will be a surprise and I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2- It will be homemade.
3-You will receive your gift sometime this year (as in - sometime in the next 9 months!)

HERE'S THE CATCH: You must post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who follow the directions.If you have not seen the movie Pay It Forward, you must rent it or check it out from the library and watch it. It is a good show.

How sad is it that I am offering a FREE, totally awesome gift to 3 more people out there, and no one's interested? I make some pretty cute stuff you know! You are ALL missing out!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In case there was any doubt!

So-- I am never very good at keeping these things a secret, no matter how much I think I will before hand. I can keep other people's pregnancy's to myself if they want me to, but I have a hard time keeping quiet about my own. I think it comes from trying so long to get pregnant with Tyler, and being so excited to tell everyone! And now Tyler heard me on the phone with the insurance company the other day, and now that the kids now, I figure it's only a matter of time--so here we are. We are having baby #4 about November 5th (or earlier as my others have been--but I told Mike I want to see if we can get a 10 pounder this time. My others have been 9 lbs 2 oz, 7.2, and 8.2--so let's shoot for 10 lbs 2 oz!) We are all adjusting to the idea, as this was a major shock! But we are excited, and I told Mike let's just live it up since this will probably be our last!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Greater love...

OK--so I really ought to be in bed right now. REALLY. But here I am. I just couldn't help but post about my wonderful talk I had tonight with my dear ol' dad. Without going into unnessesay details, there has been a bit of family drama going on in the last week. I have gone through just about every emotion about it, at least once. I spent the weekend up in Idaho with my parents, while Mike went golfing in St. George. I have always loved my dad. I remember as a little girl thinking he was the strongest man alive! I even bragged to my friends that he could pick up a whole car. He has been my best friend when I needed him. He even let me cry to him about dumb boys. He always had a way of explaining things so that I felt better about them. I asked him tonight how he is REALLY feeling about eveything that is going on, and he said he doesn't let it get him down. He said sure it gets to him, but he refuses to let it get him down. Something my dad always instilled in me is that we are responsible for our own choices. Once in 7th grade I was hanging out with some kids that were drinking at lunch time. I had not had any, but when they got caught, I was with them, and thus guilty by association. I was hauled into the principals office, and when the police came they did the whole soberity test and everything. I was not worried about getting in trouble with the school, or the law--because I knew I had done nothing wrong. But as I sat in the office, I could see my dad outside the door, looking so dissappointed. That's what made me sick inside. I had hurt my dad. He even had them take me down to the Police Station with the rest of the kids, even though the policeman said he knew I had not been drinking. He did that so I could take the results from the breathalizer back to school to prove to everyone who would think I had been. My dad's opinion has always meant the world to me, and tonight he told me he not only considers me a daughter, but a friend. I am so proud of that! I am glad I have grown into a person my dad can be proud of. Not dissappointing my dad is something I still think about a lot. I am a grown woman, but my dad is still my dad. He has been my protector through so many things, and I wish there was a way I could protect him now. I know he says he does not need it, and to a point I am sure that is true. But I only wish the world wasn't such a cruel place sometimes. I am grateful to have the faith I do, and to be willing to rise above things that are put out there to weigh me down. I am going to take my own often given advice, and GET OVER IT! For myself, and for my dad. That doesn't mean I will return to the way it was before, but I will not let it consume me.

Monday, March 2, 2009


How much do I suck at posting lately?! Is anyone still checking back? So sorry! I guess half of my excuse is I get online and get sucked in to Facebook. It is great chatting with people, and Mike and I are both addicted to the games on there. Sad, but true. And I am not even posting any pictures with this one, in a desperate attempt to just get a friekin' blog posted! Hmm, life lately has been interesting. Mike is finally done with his training travels--YEAH!! He is ready to dive in feet first, just waiting on the guy who has previously been over this area to come down and turn stuff over to him. Last Friday I took Bailey up to see her Cardiologist, because she has been complaining of her heart hurting, and sleeping a ton. Both of those things probably would not worry me too much, if her doctor hadn't given us the news at her last appointment that her heart is getting worse. After 3 1/2 hours up there, he said nothing has changed that he can see. She still has all of the issues we found out about at the last appointment, and will need her valve replaced at some point, but he wants to wait as long as possible to put her through that. (As do we!) We are supposed to be getting a heart monitor tomorrow, that will keep track of her heart rythms, etc. and hopefully show if anything is up that way. Sure will be interesting trying to keep THAT on her! My daughter is nothing if not stubborn. I had said to a few people that we have been lucky so far this winter and only been sick once--why did I ever say that out loud?! Bailey was sick Friday, Sat & Sunday--now Kyle is miserable. I am hoping Tyler already had it last week--he complained about a sore throat but not too much. And if Mike and I are lucky we can avoid it! I hate being sick--no one takes care of me, and I still have to be a mom. No time for that. Ok well, now I don't feel like such a slacker. Hope all is well! Maybe if people actually showed me some comment love, I'd be more inclined to post!!! ;P