Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear Mother Nature...

Hello--it's almost JUNE!!!
There goes the lovely, shady tree in my front yard!!! And Mike is gone--chainsaw anyone?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cutie Patootie

Kyle was really mad at me the other day because he wanted to get in the van and go somewhere, so he protested out on the steps to the garage for a while. He stopped screaming after a bit, and I went to check on him--this is what I found. Funny little man--fell asleep on the steps! When I walked back in to grap his blankie so I could go lay him down somewhere more comfortable, he SCREAMED at the top of his lungs, Scared me half to death. Goofy kid!

I bought this little outfit right after I miscarried last year. I went to Old Navy a couple of times, and it was calling my name! I kept putting it off, and then I wentback in to return something, and there was only one left. I grabbed it, and decided it was my Hope. Hope of another baby sometime soon. She came sooner than I thought, and this is almost not going to fit her, so I put Emery in it the only warm day of the week (darn Utah Springs anyway!) She looked SOO dang cute! (if I do say so myself)