Friday, April 18, 2008

FHE=Family fun days!!

We went to the Lehi Pool (aka the big swimming pool as my kids call it) Monday for FHE. Mike & I were a little nervous about 3 against 2, but it ended up being a lot of fun.
This is Bailey coming out of the slide. She has just about no fear--which is not always a good thing. Tyler would not go down this slide forever, until we were about to leave, and then he wanted to keep sliding! Goofy kids. I think he was mainly afraid of the big bucket dumping water on him, I told him to just be quick!
My one shot of Tyler in the water--I wish we had waterproof camera.

We had to wait forever for the family changing room, I thought this one of Tyler was funny.

Orem's Ugliest Door!!

A door company here in Orem is having an ugly door contest, the ugliest door wins a free garage door. We went there looking to buy a new one, and thought it was worth a shot. I thought I'd post our entry, and you all can cross your fingers for us!
Hello, we are the Livingston Family, and we have an ugly garage door problem. We are looking for some aid in curing this horrible disease that has plagued us in our house for 3 years now, which is as long as we have been living here. It is a horrible disease. It makes mommy upset, and daddy too. Just about every time we open up this aweful ugly door, which has no opener, and must be opened by hand, (and a lot of muscle!) it comes off the track. Serveral times our vehicles have become unsuspecting victims of this ravenous disease, being stuck in the garage, and causing our sweet family to be late to church, or some other outing until we could get the cars out. Our poor vehicles have also been victimized by being left out in the elements, rain, snow or sun, rather than mom deal with the diseased beast. This is especially true when one of the kids is asleep, and mom has to carry them in. If only we had an opener, we'd be able to get into our house unharmed by the frigid temperatures or pelting rain. The person we purchased our house from actually told me that the door was purchased many, many years ago, SECOND HAND! We have been to your showroom, and seen the many features a nice new garage door has to offer, and feel we are perfect candidates for a shiny new one. Amputate this one, and rid our family of this horrible disease!

My kidlins!

Ok--the baby falling asleep in the hi-chair shots are some of my favorite. I just love that they are finally so tired they give up and fall asleep right there, with food still in his hand!
Kyle's first solo ice cream cone. Arctic Circle gives free "kiddie cones" that are great. Too bad Tyler and Bailey have now decided they need the big ones. I snapped this photo while I was still driving--now that's talent!
Princess Bailey gives the best pout faces. I don't even remember what this one was for, I see it so often. Sunday Bailey decided she was done with diapers, and has done amazing ever since. We were having trouble with # 2, but today we are finally doing it! She has done so much better now that SHE was the one to decide it was time. Funny, because last week at her 3 Year check up, I asked the doctor for any magical tips for getting her potty trained, and he said to not pressure her, and let her know she was the boss on this topic. As soon as I talked to her and said that, 2 days later sure enough, she decided she was ready. We told her while ago that when she was potty trained, we could go to Chuck-E-Cheese "Where a kid can be a kid!" We are planning on going Monday, and everytime she goes potty, she says, "Can we go to Chuck-E-Cheese NOW?!" I love it. Most of the time she can't remember someones name for more than 5 minutes, but she will not forget about that!
Here's Kyle, helping with the flowers--or the dirt I guess I should say. He has discovered he LOVES to eat it--yum, yum!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday Bailey Dear!!!

We had Bailey's Birthday party yesterday, so that everyone could come. Daddy did such a great job decorating!
This turned out fuzzy, but I attempted to make a Barbie cake. I say attempted, because Barbie was too tall, so we had to bend her legs, but I tried. Tyler found the Barbie and gave it to her a few weeks ago, but I just re-hid it until yesterday, and she mostly forgot about it. It's Barbie Mariposa, which she has seen on commericals, and just had to have. This is our first Barbie. Her uncle Spencer gave her some more, now we can really play!
Here's Bailey blowing out her cake. It was merely a formality to get to the presents. That's her cousin Abbie in the picture, she loves Barbie's too, and since she's older, she could show Bailey the ropes. My sister Michelle said to watch for Ken to always be naked--can't wait for that!
How cute is her hair?! Tyler and Abbie wanted to open presents so bad, luckily Mike's mom & dad gave us a few things for our anniversary, so they got to open those. They didn't seem to mind that the gifts weren't for them, they just wanted to open something too. Kids are so funny.
We decided to get Bailey a bike. She still doesn't pedal, just pushes with her tip-toes. We're hoping this bike will be a little easier than the tricycle. No chance of working on that today though--since it's a BLIZZARD outside! It snowed on our wedding day 7 years ago too, and the day we were taking Bailey home from the hospital (which ended up being not home, but to Primary Children's for 5 days.) Who decided to live in Utah anyway? Snow in April! Speaking of Primary Children's, last night Bailey woke up in the middle of the night ( a frequent thing unfourtunatly) I went in and was telling her a story about the day Princess Bailey was born, and I found myself crying. Maybe it was in part the sleep deprivation, but it just made me think about the time when we were in the hospital with her, and thought we may not have her for too long. She was born with her Pulmonary Valve in her heart too narrow to let blood flow into her lungs to get oxygen. We had almost just gone home, because the weren't able to fit us in at P.C., but there was an opening, and it turned out to save her life. The doctor said if we'd gone home, she'd have probably died within a day or so! It was a whirlwind after that, but after surgery, she was as good as new, mostly. I am so grateful for modern medicine! How blessed we are to live in this time. Even on our roughest days, I don't know what I'd do without my Princess.

Random, Funny moments at our house

OK, here is my admission--Kyle still sleeps in our bed! I cannot believe it, but I have a million excuses, and none of them are legite enough to work. The other day I finally had had enough, and let him "cry it out." It only took about 20 minutes, and I went in and found this. I didn't dare move him, but he was up against the bumper pad, so I figured it couldn't be too bad. Stubborn little man he is, and I have his crib in Tyler's room, and worry about him waking Tyler up, which is crazy, because Tyler could sleep through a tornado. We will get there I guess--only 2 more months of nursing, then maybe.
I did not even pose her like this! Bailey was trying to take her shirt off, because she can't stand if it is even a little wet, and she couldn't do it. It was hilarious! And yes, those are panties. I tried last monday to potty-train her, but to no avail. I did not have the patience, and decided that since we were getting our floors done foe the rest of last week, and would be hanging out at grandma's, we'd try again another time.
Here's handsome Kyle fallen asleep in the hi-chair. I love it when kids finally just give up and crash in random places.
All the kids got haircuts thursday from my friend Alisha. She does such a great job, and is patient with my wiggly kids. Kyle's turned out so cute--he looks like a grown up boy! He's almost 10 months, I cannot believe it! He is working on getting his first teeth in, which has been so fun!
I just had to post a picture of my new floors! This is my living room, which was carpet in the center before. We had all the floors sanded and refinished--I love it! The only problem is now I am not wanting Tyler to drive his cars on it, and when anything drops or gets spilled, I am checking to see if it's scratched. Mike also got me some new lights for our kitchen & dining room for our anniversary yesterday.