Sunday, July 26, 2009

To my BFF!

So, today is my mom's birthday (#39 in case you are wondering, wink, wink!) I am a slacker/totally forgetful, and failed to get something in the mail for her, so I thought to myself, "Self, why not post a blog for her, telling her how much she means to you?" So here we are. My mom truly is one of my very bestest friends. She is who I call when I am having a rough day, or have good news to share, or just anything really. She would do anything for any body. She has always been one of my greatest examples of service, and sacrifice. Growing up, we weren't "rolling in it," but she always made sure we had things. She cleaned people's houses, stayed up all night sewing things, pretty much what ever it took she did. For us. I love her for that. I love her because I KNOW she has always done the very best she could with what she had, and I hope to do the same. Thank you mom for always being there for me, and for even letting me return the favor every now and then. Thank you for coming to help me after each of my kids were born, even for laughing at Mike and I trying to figure out how to dress Tyler when he was all "frogged" and didn't want to stretch out. Wish we lived closer and I'd have baked a cake!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

America the Beautiful!

Can I just say how proud I am to be an American. This last week as we drove home from my sisters in Arizona, it hit me how beautiful our country is. Truly beautful! And today as we celebrated Independence Day, I have been thinking a lot about how blessed we are to enjoy the freedoms and comforts we do. Mike and I watched the movie Blood Diamond on TV the other night, and got talking about how we really have no real idea of how fourtunate we are to live here in America. I cannot imagine living in a place where I was afraid to walk down the street with my children, or fear someone attacking us in our home! I am greatful to live in this great nation, no matter our flaws. I am grateful to those who fight to preserve our freedoms, despite the fact that some people protest their brave actions. Happy Day! :0)