Thursday, September 24, 2009

Talk about a scare!

So, I never really considered myself a worrier, until now. I guess a large part of it comes from miscarrying in May, and getting pregnant RIGHT away afterwards. I am SO grateful to be pregnant, but I find myself trying to talk myself out of worrying myself sick, almost constantly. So last night when I started spotting, I LOST it. Mike was busy with work, and I called my parents house and bawled to my poor dad for a while. He is so sweet to listen to his crazy daughter, and give me some good advice. Then when Mike did call, I lost it again. My poor kids--they were so worried too. We said a prayer, and sweet Tyler kept telling me, "Mom, I think Heavenly father heard our prayer, and the baby is going to be ok." How do you argue with that? Tyler came in at 5 AM (who's kid is he anyway??) So while I was already awake I went in to go "potty." More than just spotting now. I went in and told Mike maybe we are only ment to have 3 kids, and sat on the bed and cried, and cried...and CRIED! Then I went and googled, which I know often isn't good in cases like this, but actually made me feel a lot better that the baby might still be ok. I called my OB's office first thing, and they got me in at 10. My super kind visiting teacher watched Kyle and Bailey for me, because I could NOT do that alone again. They got me right back, and checked the heart beat. She found it right away--RELIEF!!! I have never been more grateful in my life--or at least it feels that way right now. My midwife came in (LOVE her BTW!) and told me she wanted me to get in to the perinatologist to see if they could find a reason for the bleeding. They got me in at 2:30--same day. Another big blessing! Getting in there was a whole other story though. They said come with a FULL bladder--not an easy thing in adn of itself. Then I get there, and they say they don't have me on the schedule, and my dr's office didn't fax the order. Come on! They randomly send me over to Labor and Delivery, where they wonder what in the world I am doing over there at only 17 weeks pregnant. But a sweet RN took pity on me, and wrote me up an order, and called over to Radiology, where they now miraculously find me on the schedule. Then back to check in, (Still super full bladder) then over to Radiology. I check in there, and proceed to wait until past 3:30 for my 2:30 appt. (in case you are keeping track, I have gone potty for a LOOONG time) ON our way back to the ultrasound room, the girl says sorry about the wait. I said I would have not had a problem if my bladder wasn't about to explode. ;) She says--"Oh, you didn't need to have a full bladder. You can go right now! WHAT?? Much better. Long ultrasound, so fun to see the baby. That never gets old to me. He/she was moving around like crazy--great to see it is active and looks healthy. They looked a lot at my placenta, which seems to be covering my cervix a little, but not too big of a deal. Comes out that they are not sure why I was bleeding, but my dr. says to expect it to reoccur, but not to be alarmed unless it is really bad. (easy for HIM to say!)

Moral of the story is, don't let your crazy, hormone driven, irrational fears get away with you. Now, I do feel like I had good reason to worry, but I have recieved a lot of peace since I found out I was pregnant, and I need to quit doubting and have some faith. :0)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Family Night

Alrighty--I have been a major blog slacker as of late. I blame it partially on the "morning" sickness, and partially on the fact that my camera has been MIA since Mike got home from Scout camp. (I think it's somewhere with my cell phone, which I now cannot find!) But tonight was SOO much fun, I just had to blog it. Saturday Mike went to the BYU game (which we will not speak of any further) he went way early with a friend to all of the tail-gating stuff before hand, and came home and told me about going to the BYU Creamery before hand, and since then I have been craving bubble gum ice cream (I know--weird, but not as odd as some pregnancy cravings)

So tonight as I was looking at the gorgeous mountains dotted with red I thought--Hmmm, we could go for a drive up the canyon, and then take the kids to the creamery. The drive was beautiful. We drove up to Squaw Peak, which is one of my favorite spots since I was a kid, but the road is pretty windey. Apparently a little TOO windey for some of us, because Bailey decided she needed to throw up--all over everywhere! Throw up is something I remember wondering how my mom coped with growing up, and thinking specifically--"How am I ever going to clean up someone ELSE'S puke??" Well, I have come to realize you just DO IT. Along with many other things in motherhood, you love your kids, and just do it. And since my dear husband wimps out around vomit, I get to just do it a lot. Bailey seems to be my car sick one too, I was thinking as I was trying to clean her up that she is the only one of the kids to throw up in the car. And it has happened often. Then she cried because she could not go in to the creamery with throw up everywhere? What a mean mommy I am. I told her it would make everyone else want to throw up too, and she begged for an ice cream still. Since I figured it was likely just car sickness, I caved and bought her one--and then she wanted mine!! Goof ball.

Then on the way home, Tyler was about to die because he had to go potty SOOOO bad. Everytime we passed a gas station, or store he'd say "Oh great, we passed another one!" We made it home, but boy--these are the days right? People always say to cherish these times, because I will miss them some day. I know that is true, but there are times I seriously question. :) But hey--we made some memories--right?!! Although the kids did want me to take their pictures while we were up at Squaw Peak, and I had to explain to them that we have no clue where the camera is. :(