Monday, July 28, 2008

For Grandma--thank you!

Grandma Washington sent Bailey 2 really pretty dresses, and we wanted to post some pictures to show how cute the white one looks on her. She's so silly, it's hard to get a good picture with her smiling and actually looking at me!
Here she is twirling--so pretty!
Tyler wanted a picture of him for grandma too, can we be serious here??
I just had to add this one in here. We were out at some friends in Eagle Mountain, and it started POURING rain all of a sudden, which happened to be when we noticed that bailey was gone. She had snuck out, and was across the street. Nice huh? She was soaked--serves her right! But after it stopped raining, there was the prettiest rainbow. It was huge--I couldn't get the whole thing with my camera--butit was awesome!

Pioneer Children Sang as they walked, and walked...

Our ward did a Pioneer Day Parade, and we loved it. We sure wouldn't have made it as real Pioneers though! But we sure do appreciate all they did to get us here to our great state. The kids got glow-bracelets, which was good considering it was so dark and all.
We have a great family in our ward that has 8 boys--they finally just had a girl! This was a couple of them, how cute in the little handcart! Their boys are such helpers. I dream of the day when my kids are old enough to help!

Here is Kyle and his cousin Ann in our fancy wagon! Great decorating job huh?
Bailey going stong on her scooter--she last about 1/2 way. She was so proud though!
Waiting for the Parade to get going!
Here she is again, just before daddy stole her scooter!

Who's that hottie on the Princess scooter?

Kangaroo Zoo

My brother Josh was in town for a few days as he and he family are moving from Germany to Arizona, and we got to play together for a few days, with Grandpa & Grandma too! We went to the Kangaroo Zoo, and had lot's of fun. Mike didn't make it, but special thanx to Grandpa & Grandma for keeping Kyle entertained while I played with the kids. I got a nice slide burn on my arm to show how much fun I was having. (Don't try to go head first down the big one!)

I got this picture of Josh's little girl Megan, because she is so cute, and looks so much like a Cobabe! His kids make the best faces, they totally get it from Josh.

Here's Tyler climbing one of the slides. I think the getting up the slide is a little ridiculous!
I guess they are made for kids, but come on! I couldn't really get my kids to hold still long enough to get pictures.

This is Josh's other daughter Allison--she was so cute. His kids are much more reserved than mine, until we got them here--no holding back! It's great to see kids having so much fun.

Tyler coming down the Big slide! I had one of Bailey, but for some reason it won't show up on here.

Here's Josh & Megan--"1-2-3--GO!!" So cute to watch my tough old brother play with his kids.
Kyle was so happy to be playing on the bouncy stuff. I didn't pay for him, and good thing too cause I was having a hard time trying to get myself and him up the slides. I'm just not that buff!

I swore it would never happen...

We got a Wii! Since the begining of time--for our marriage at least, I have always sworn we would not get any sort of Video Game system, because I had seen Mike in action, and the rest of the world disappears when he is playing. But that was before I had played the Wii, and seen my kids play it. My sister Michelle has one, and when they played it, it was so much fun to watch them! And they were sweating when they were done, so it's a little Cardio in there too. Mike's birthday was last week, and I bought him the Wii. He actually ended up opening it early, because I failed to realize Tyler could read what the box said. We went and got it, but I did not ever tell them what it was, so they wouldn't tell Mike early. When Mike got home Tyler said, "Hurry daddy open it--it's a Wii!" Smart little stinker. We have had so much fun with it, my arms are sore from Tennis & Bowling, and Mike has drastically improved his golf game.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

New SpringWidget

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Memories--like the corner of my mind...

Here's the rules...
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
We all have some sort of memory.. SO DO IT :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Random fun times at our house!

Bailey is totally my child. She is such a HAM! She came in the kitchen the other day with her sun glasses on, and Kyle's Crab floaty on around he waist. She said--mommy take a picture of me--so here we are.
My grandparents stopped by the other day. It was really nice to visit with them, and my kids loved it once they warmed up to them. Tyler was being a little show-off, he even went and got his Incredibles costume on. Kyle was so interested in being in this photo.
We went to the park with my friend Alisha and her kids last week. I tried to get out the door earlier--so it wasn't so hot, but we had a lot of fun. Kyle kept the hat on for all of 5 minutes, but it was cute. I tried about 20 times to get a good shot of him on the swing, I have to get better at using the camera I guess.
Bailey loves to swing in the "baby swings" This one even had a sign on top that said they were only for kids 5 & under--not adults! Funny to think that was a problem enough for them to put up a sign.
Kyle just wandered around on his own--such an independent Big Boy! he loved this wobbly platform, until a big kid came on and really rocked it!

Fourth of july--better late than never

Kyle was enjoying daddy's new ladder. I was trying to get a good shot with the flag in it--patriotic & all.
Mike and his mom, hanging out. She is holding Mike's sister's baby-Ann.
Mike set up his Little Giant ladder for the kids to sit on. Cleaver idea, and the neighbor kids loved it. bailey idolizes Maddy, who is sitting next to her. She doesn't quite understand that a 10 year old doesn't really want to play with a 3 year old. Tough lesson to learn.

Just Kyle

What a turkey. I think Mike may have posed the lid on his head, but he loves to blimb into this drawer--and the dishwasher! He such a helper with taking the dishes out and throwing them away!
This is at the Dr.'s office for his 1-year check-up. He loves to climb on things, and then gets such a proud look on his face. So cute!
Oreo's are a big mistake, but they keep him happy.
I took this one to show what an artist my child is. He is excellent at finger painting on his hi-chair once he's done eating.

Financial Peace

I just wanted to share this awesome program that Mike and I are taking right now. Our ward is sponsoring it, and I am so excited about it! I just plugged in all of our debts, and we can be completely debt free--including our house, by 2017! That's only 9 years away. And we'll have everything paid off aside from our house in 2 years--stupid student loans and all. I don't know how many people have heard of Dave Ramsey--but he is HILARIOUS! He has a TV & Radio show, as well as doing these seminars. I really like him, because he is straight forward and honest, and brings a Christian perspective to debt elimination. I am just so excited--I had to tell someone about it. Plus, if I've told everyone about our plan--maybe it will be one more motivator to STICK TO IT!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Moo!

I just wanted to wish my little brother Alex a Happy Happy Birthday! He is serving his mission in Finland--and look how handsome he is! I am so proud of him, and excited to see him in November--coming up quickly. He is my only little brother, whether he likes it or not, and we have had some fun times. One of the funniest things he ever said was that men had a natural sense of direction that girls don't, because men have lead in their blood! Haha--he'll probably hate me for sharing that. :P

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Zippity-a & Heidi-ho it's Birthday time for AMIE!!!

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my great big sister Amie! I think this is 30--right?! ;P
I love you Amie, and am grateful we are friends. You are an amazing person, don't you ever forget it. If you do, just call me.
I'm sure she'll love that I posted this one--but it's a beaut!
I swiped this from her Myspace page! How long was Courtnie's hair--wow! Hope you have a great one!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We were so excited to go see Wall-E this weekend! We have been waiting and waiting since we saw the first previews. We love Pixar movies, and this one was really good. Annie & Elden came with us, a good excuse for them to see a kid movie, and my kids think it's great when they come to anything.
Tyler & Elden hiding from the camera.

If you can't tell, that's excitment on Bailey's face. They loved the movie, and we only had to leave twice for Bailey to go potty. (Both times were false alarms, but better safe than sorry I guess.)

Cowboy Up!!!

We went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo in Pleasant Grove a few weeks ago, of what fun we had. Well, not so much. The main problem was it started about 45 minutes later than it was supposed to, and we got there even earlier than that to get a good spot, and that is a whole lot of waiting for my children. It sure brought back memories of my Roosevelt days though, sniff...sniff... I tried so hard to get some good pictures of the Mutton Bustin' but they didn't stay on too long, so this was the best I could do. My kids were dying to get out there and do it, but it looked pretty rough. A lot of them got stepped on, but they all got up and shook it off like real cowboys. A lot of the kids had dads that were in the Rodeo, we'll have to see if we can sign up for next year.
The little boy that stayed on the longest won a cute little John Deere Power Wheels. He rode around a little and waved--how cute. Again, not so hot with my camera skills, so this is the best shot.
This Dodge came out and sat in the middle of the arena forever, when it first came out, I thought " OK, it's finally going to start." No such luck.
Bailey & Annie. Bailey always wanted her picture taken, until it actually comes to taking it.
My ham of a child. He's been making goofy faces whenever I try to take a picture of him lately. Who's kid is he anyway?

Here's Annie & Elden. We have a lot of fun with them, and we eat it up, because I keep telling them as soon as they have kids of their own it will change. They love our kids so much, and the feeling is strongly mutual.

Best Birthday Party ever!

The 18th was my niece Abbie's birthday, and it was so much fun! Her mom & dad got a really fun blow up water-slide, and the kids LOVED it! All but Bailey of course, she was a little chicken. It is funny to me when she's afraid of things, because she's usually my dare-devil.
Here is our cousin Courtnie--she is great at posing for pictures--since as long as I can remember. We took several to get it just right!
I finally got an action shot of Tyler to really work, he was always going to fast, and my camera takes too dang long to take a picture.
Here's Abbie blowing out the candles. Her cake was a beautiful Ice Cream cake from Cold Stone-she know's the owners ;)
Someone "helped" Kyle into the little car, and he loved it--until it came time to get out that is. He has started a really funny scream when people (mainly the other kids) are messing with him and he doesn't like it. He's learning to stick up for himself really early.