Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Random fun times at our house!

Bailey is totally my child. She is such a HAM! She came in the kitchen the other day with her sun glasses on, and Kyle's Crab floaty on around he waist. She said--mommy take a picture of me--so here we are.
My grandparents stopped by the other day. It was really nice to visit with them, and my kids loved it once they warmed up to them. Tyler was being a little show-off, he even went and got his Incredibles costume on. Kyle was so interested in being in this photo.
We went to the park with my friend Alisha and her kids last week. I tried to get out the door earlier--so it wasn't so hot, but we had a lot of fun. Kyle kept the hat on for all of 5 minutes, but it was cute. I tried about 20 times to get a good shot of him on the swing, I have to get better at using the camera I guess.
Bailey loves to swing in the "baby swings" This one even had a sign on top that said they were only for kids 5 & under--not adults! Funny to think that was a problem enough for them to put up a sign.
Kyle just wandered around on his own--such an independent Big Boy! he loved this wobbly platform, until a big kid came on and really rocked it!