Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We were so excited to go see Wall-E this weekend! We have been waiting and waiting since we saw the first previews. We love Pixar movies, and this one was really good. Annie & Elden came with us, a good excuse for them to see a kid movie, and my kids think it's great when they come to anything.
Tyler & Elden hiding from the camera.

If you can't tell, that's excitment on Bailey's face. They loved the movie, and we only had to leave twice for Bailey to go potty. (Both times were false alarms, but better safe than sorry I guess.)


Brenda said...

Hey Lindsey!! Love your blog. Your kids totally look like Cobabe's!! They are adorable! I'm glad I found your blog. I am so much better at blogging than I am at facebook. Hope your doing good!