Friday, August 29, 2008

Tyler's First Day!

So, the day was finally here. After a rough night with Kyle, yet again, and Tyler ending up in our bed so Kyle could cry it out & Tyler could hopefully get some sleep (the boy can luckily sleep through most anything!) Morning! Preschool! Yeah! I dragged myself out of bed so I could wash his Cars shirt--can't go to the first day of preschool without his new Cars shirt you know--and he wanted to wear it dirty, said he liked it that way! He was so anxious to leave he hardly ate his breakfast, and almost left without me! We actually left in time to walk (thanx to my dragging myself out of bed) Tyler was a block ahead of us the whole way (all of 1 & 1/2 blocks to get there) He paused for a photo opp., and away he went. 2 hours later, we come to pick him up. He runs to me, seems happy, then starts crying. Isn't the crying supposed to come when he gets dropped off, not picked up. He says he is mad because he did all the same stuff as Bailey, and he doesn't like it! Preschool STINKS!!? What a silly boy. I think he forgot that there was some sit down, learning time in preschool. Not just play time with new friends. I think that's the other thing, I don't know that there is anyone returning from his class last year, and making new friends can be hard. He does have one friend from our ward in his class, and said he had fun with him, but only during play time. His teacher said he did great, and they had a great time, so hopefully next time he won't be so grumpy!

First Day of Preschool!

Yesterday was Bailey's first day of Preschool! I could hardly get her to hold still long enough for me to take a picture, she was so excited to get to school. Every day we dropped Tyler off last year she was dying to go in with him. She tried running after several times!
Too excited to look at mommy--let's just go in already! There were several kids crying about being there, NOT Bailey. She took off downstairs before I even got in the door. Ms. Diane said she did great! Yeah for Bailey! Tyler was so mad that Bailey got to go and not him, no consoling him with the fact that he gets to go Friday, and for longer than Bailey does. He's happy to go today!
My kids found these funny Billy Bob teeth, and we played around with them before bed the other night. Shows why it's important to brush! I am not posting the ones Tyler took of me with them in, those were promptly deleted!

A camping we will go!

Last weekend Mike took Tyler camping down near Castle Dale with his sister & her family. Tyler was so excited, and so was daddy! Bailey was really sad not to be going (she said "Maybe when I get older I can go camping too--sad!) But we (Bailey, Kyle & I) went out on the town for a hot date Friday night, and I kept reminding Bailey we were having WAY more fun than the boys. We went shopping for new shoes at the mall, and then went to eat at Red Robin. Annie & Elden came with us to eat, which was a huge life saver (I don't know how I was thinking I could have done it alone!) Bailey was literally bouncing off the walls because she was so excited to be at a restaraunt. (We don't go IN places much with the kids--out of survival for us and everyone else involved) She loved the french fries, who doesn't love Red Robin's fries? She has started dipping her fries in Ranch, which I love! It is the first any of my kids have even attempted dipping, which has been nice for the mess factor. Fun times. When we went home I let her stay up extra late--it was a fun girls night (Kyle was a good sport--he got some way cute shoes too) Now to the boys trip, which I will narrate on Mike's behalf.
This is Tyler's cousin Boston. Such a cute little blondie! He has the funniest personality, so quiet, but then he'll crack the best face at you. We don't get to see they much because they live down in Castle Dale, and Tyler loved haging out.
Tyler venturing out into the Great Unknown. I am sure Dad was watching REAL close! He came home so stinky from the lake, and did not believe any of us when we told him he was in serious need of a BATH!!!
Tyler & Boston, the great explorers. I can't believe Tyler went into the water--must not have been too cold.

Here is Tyler & Boston in the awesome Car's tent daddy bought. It came with a sleeping bag, a back pack, and a compass! Tyler loves it. We saw it at Big 5 when we went to get his soccer cleats, and told him we could save up and get it. We have been trying hard to instill the money concept in our kids; that we can't just buy everything we want, we need to save up for things we want. The day they were going camping, Bailey was talking to Tyler about having found some pennies Tyler could use to for the tent. Tyler said, "It's ok Bailey, I really wanted the tent, but now it's too late because we didn't save up in time. Maybe next time. But it's ok." Awww--then daddy came home with the tent and was the hero! Mike said Tyler held it the whole way down.
Here's daddy teaching Tyler the ropes on fishing. I am sure this is one of those moments Mike has been waiting for since Tyler was in the womb!
Look at that--what a Pro!
Tyler was attacked by a wild Aspen Tree! I think he is the one who took this picture, wanting to document it for posterity I guess. What a turkey!
Look at that GIANT Bass! What a proud daddy--too bad Tyler is always grabbing himself, would have been a nice picture!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


So Tyler had his first soccer practice on Thursday, and I think I was more excited than he was. For sure Mike and I were more excited by the time it was over. He came over and sat down by me and took his shin guards off, and said he didn't like soccer! I really don't want to be one of those moms that lives her dreams through her kids or anything, but when I was Tyler's age, I never even had a chance to play city league ANYTHING! 7 kids, not much money for things like that you know. Once I did get to play in 4th or 5th grade, I loved it! Some of my best memories are from playing soccer. When we moved to Roosevelt, there was barely a soccer program, so few people played they had the boys and girls together, and the coaching was a joke--so that fizzled out for me. I want him to be able to have a fun experience, and get outside & be active too. Seems like my kids want to play outside until it's what I want them to do. I have a huge fear of them being too into TV/computer games to want to play outside. I remember when I was little, never even coming inside except to go to the bathroom, and maybe eat something. Now it seems like things are so different. Maybe it's in part because people are worried about bad things happening to their kids (as am I BELIEVE me!) or maybe we are just at the wrong end of our street, or maybe my kids are still just too young, but we need to be outside more. I am totally guilty of sending them downstairs to play so I can get some stuff done. What do you do though? I try hard to play with them, and get the cleaning done, but I have to clean sometime. Anyway--back to soccer huh?
We showed up early, and Tyler met a little friend named Mark. I think part of why he ended up not wanting to play was because his coach put Mark on the other team, and Tyler was sad he didn't know anyone on his side. I think Tyler is the youngest one on the team, which should be interesting. They got socks, shorts, a jersey & a ball. For $75, I guess they should get all that huh? Fun that they get their own smaller ball. He came right home and wrote his name on it.
I managed to get a few shots while he was interested. I've decided that part of the problem is that he gets frustrated when he doesn't know how to do something, and soccer is a whole nwe thing. Also, there are 14 boys on the team, which seems like a whole lot.

Had to put this one in here--I got Tyler a little Spider Man pen, which I didn't know had a stamp on the end of it until I found Kyle like this, and Blue ink EVERYWHERE!! He's turning into a Smurf! Needless to say, the Pen is GONE!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I just had to post this picture. Mike & I gave blood on Saturday morning, and I beat him by 2 seconds on filling up my bag. He says it was the girls fault, but we all know the truth, I am just bleeding I guess! When I took this picture he said I just wanted to be close to him--you know it! my kids were so confused about why we went to give our blood to someone, I hadn't thought about how confusing a concept that must be to a little kid. But it feels good to do something to help someone in need. It cracks me up that the Red Cross calls more then any telemarketers though. I guess you do what you have to do.

Family Fun!

We took the kids to the park the other night, fun times. I love how much fun they have at the park--I need to take them more often. Bailey had a lot of fun in this tube--what a ham.
Hopefully this is the only time Kyle is behind bars! He is so independent.
Tyler wanted me to take a picture of the little girl he was playing with, not him. He seems to find a girlfriend everywhere we go. He "fell in love" with Tenna at the Kangaroo Zoo, and still talks about her. I had to tell him that other peoples mommies may not want me taking pictures of their kids. I don't think he understood.
My little acrobat--Bailey thinks she can do just about anything at the park. She keeps saying she want to do gymnastics like the girls in the Olympics (which we are addicted to in our house! We are staying up so late to watch them every night!)
Bailey is also an aspiring golfer. She gets the ball & club out all the time and golfs. It's a little dangerous to be near her, but she's got some budding skills for sure. It was hilarious, because she kept licking her finger and then pulling up some grass and throwing it in the air to test the wind direction before she hit her ball. So funny! Her uncle Elden is trying to help her put the ball on the tee, to make things a little easier. Watch out Tiger Woods!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Best Husband EVER!!!

Ok, so Friday night Mike took me on our best date in, oh probably forever! We went on a hike to Stewart Falls, which is right above Sundance. The hike was nice, not too difficult for us out-of-shapers. It was so nice to have time just to ourselves, and it was so beautiful. We had a lot of nice conversations, something you don't get to do at the movies. When we got to the end, at the falls, he pulled out a gift for me. First there was a super sweet card telling me how much he loves me-I about cried! Then there was a gift certificate for a massage at a spa--he knows how much I love massages. Next there was a Pearl Necklace! I have never owned a Pearl Necklace, and don't know really what to wear it with, but am excited to figure that out. He said he's had it for months, and just been waiting for the right time to give it to me. There was also some bubble gum, and a pedicure set. I love all of these things, but I think the best part of the night was that he has been thinking about it for weeks. We have been married 7 1/2 years now, and a lot of times it can get to feel like we are just co-habitating. I'm sure most of you know what I mean. We live together, he goes to work, I take care of the kids, ya-da, ya-da. It is so nice to know he still cares enough to put that much thought into a date for us. I love my husband, and just hope he knows that every day! Muuush, I know, but it had to be said. Thanx Mike for the best date night ever! Oh, and afterwards we ate at Cafe Rio, my favorite! Where better to eat after a long hike? Yum!

I had to post this one for Mike--he said "Even the trees in Provo bleed BYU Blue!!"
So beautiful!
I took a picture of this awesome cabin. The photo does not do it justice, and we were Miles away. It had a huge deck, just made me dream of someday having a cabin. Probably not at Sundance, but somewhere.