Monday, August 16, 2010

A little catch up!

Friday night we decided we needed to do SOMETHING with the kids before school started, so we went up the canyon for hotdogs and smores. We tried to let them sleep in the tent in the backyard, but that didn't work out. Maybe next time! But we had a lot of fun up the canyon--so nice that we live 5 minutes from being able to have a camp fire, and spend some fun time in nature. One of my favorite things was while the kids and I took a little "nature walk" Tyler covered his eyes and said, "I just can't look!" I asked him what he was talking about, and he said he just can't stand to see tress cut down. What a stinkin' cutie!
This picture shows one of the many reasons I love my husband. He is awesome when it comes to the outdoors. (Which is why I am sure we are doomed/destined to a life of him being Scoutmaster) I told him while we were up there that I might just stay with him so that our family would be ok in any sort of disaster! He said, "Uhh, thanks?"
Kyle found an old, rusty can, and claimed it for his own. Such a goof ball, but he is so much fun. I love to watch him be Tyler's little shadow. I am sure he will miss him so much while he is gone at school all day. :( Me too!

Mmmm, S'mores! I used to think I did not like them--boy was I wrong!!

We have been trying to get over and help Mike's parents in their garden as often as we can. The kids love to run around in Grandma's yard, and occasionally stop to help.

Tyler was an awesome help to grandpa picking beans.

The pictures from my camera do not do this justice, but a few weeks ago we walked outside, and the sky was the eeriest color. The clouds were AMAZING, the colors were so vibrant. Purples, pinks--I have never seen the sky like that.

My little (not so little anymore!) man started FIRST GRADE today!! I seriously cannot believe it. He has been so excited, "Ok, so how many hours until tomorrow?" is what he kept asking me yesterday. He did end up getting a spot at Timpanogos. (Hooray!) They have full dress uniform days on Monday--isn't he handsome?!! As we pulled up to the school, I saw that a lot of the other kids weren't wearing their sweater vests. I told Tyler maybe he could take his off when he gets inside, and he said, "But I look so handsome with it on." I sure love this boy!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Man--I seriously need to update my blog! When I just signed in, it shows in big letters that I have failed to update you all on my sweet, ever crazy life for over 2 months!! I blame it partially on having a now 5 month old baby, (I know, how fast time flies when you are having fun!) And it's summer, and life has just been a little bit of this, little bit of that, and the day is GONE! School starts in just over a week--if I have my way and Tyler gets in to the Charter school that's right here by us! (he is now numero uno on the waiting list--so keep that in your prayers ;)) Or at most 2 weeks--they both are in at a school that's just a little further away. I decided to sign Kyle up for preschool too, which means my days will be spent as a chaufer. (School for Tyler and Bailey at 8, Kyle at 9:30, pick up Bailey at 10:45, Kyle at 12, and Tyler at 2:30!!!) Whew, good thing I love driving SOO much. I will find my camera and get some pictures on here soon. Hope someone is still out there--my loyal fans?? :D

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear Mother Nature...

Hello--it's almost JUNE!!!
There goes the lovely, shady tree in my front yard!!! And Mike is gone--chainsaw anyone?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cutie Patootie

Kyle was really mad at me the other day because he wanted to get in the van and go somewhere, so he protested out on the steps to the garage for a while. He stopped screaming after a bit, and I went to check on him--this is what I found. Funny little man--fell asleep on the steps! When I walked back in to grap his blankie so I could go lay him down somewhere more comfortable, he SCREAMED at the top of his lungs, Scared me half to death. Goofy kid!

I bought this little outfit right after I miscarried last year. I went to Old Navy a couple of times, and it was calling my name! I kept putting it off, and then I wentback in to return something, and there was only one left. I grabbed it, and decided it was my Hope. Hope of another baby sometime soon. She came sooner than I thought, and this is almost not going to fit her, so I put Emery in it the only warm day of the week (darn Utah Springs anyway!) She looked SOO dang cute! (if I do say so myself)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Cute stuff

I tried for so long to capture a good smile, but this was as close as I could get. She has become sucha smiley baby--it's the sweetest thing EVER! I has her hair in a little pony tail, guess you really can't see it in this shot. Can't win 'em all you know!

We--well mainly Mike--recovered our chairs this weekend. I LOVE THEM!!! It makes sucha huge difference, and I can just wipe off all of my kids lovely messes. I was hesitant to do the plastic on them, but then decided to be realistic, and I love the way they turned out.


Goodness--April has been such a crazy month! We had Emery's baby blessing, Easter, then our Anniversary, and Bailey's birthday (which Mike was out of town for :( ) We did Bailey's b-day party that Saturday, and then last week was my birthday! Losts of fun stuff going on--here are some peeks.
Kyle is too cute! This boy keeps us smiling, and on our toes for sure!
My handsome boys in their Easter swag. (This was AFTER church, so they are a little less spiffy than if I had snagged a shot before)

Bailey in protest, but this dress is soo pretty on her.

Here she is on her birthday. Since Mike couldn't be here, he really wanted her to know he was thinking of her on her birthday, and Aunt Andrea went and picked up some balloons and some flowers--and even a Princess crown. We pretended that they were delivered--she felt so special.

She wanted a smiley face pancake for her birthday breakfast. This was the best I could do with what I had--thought that counts right??!

Emery's blessing

Alrighty! Where does the time go--for reals?? Emery is TWO MONTHS old today--how did that happen? These last two months feel like they have gone by in a happy blur--which I mostly blame on nursing. :) We blessed her at our house, the day before Easter, and it was GREAT! I am constantly reminded of what an amazing gift it is to have the blessing of the Priesthood in our lives, and it was great to chare the day with our families. I am hoping to get some "good" shots of her in the beautiful dress my mom made, but here are some for now.

Grandma C. trying to coax a good smile out of her for the camera. :D
Grandma L. holding Emery--so sweet!

It ended up being a tight squeeze--but so great to have so many people there to help with her blessing. Ever since I was little, I loved to watch the circle of men sway to keep the baby calm. Pretty sure Emery was the fussiest of all my babies during her blessing, but it was wonderful just the same.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nine Years...??

So, today is my 9 year anniversary. NINE YEARS!!?? I cannot believe that much time has past. Honestly, how has it been that long? Nine years, and 4 children later, and we are still alive. That is an accomplishment in itself--right? That, and the fact that most days we can say we still love each other. (I say MOST days, because, well let's be honsest :)) I truly am married to an amazing man. When we met nine years ago, and he asked me out, I would have never thought we'd be HERE nive years later. Neither of us are perfect, far from it, but we are in this together, and that's what keeps me going. Gosh--I sure sound pesimistic, don't I? I blame it largely on the fact that he is out of town now, and I miss him! (That, and sleep deprivation)

We blessed Emery on Saturday. It is wonderful to get together with family, and see my husband use his preisthood to bless our child. He blessed her with so many wonderful things, and I cried thinking of the love I have for my little princess, and the obsticles she overcame to get here. When you think about it--ALL children are true miracles, and amazing blessings from a loving father in heaven.

Saturday night, my sister Amie received a blessing of health from my dad, and before hand everyone talked about all of the health struggles she has had throughout her life. As a little girl I always admired Amie and her strength, and talents. I still do. I know that she gets frustrated with the cards she has been dealth, but she bares it all so well. She has 2 GREAT kids who came to her by "unconventional means," and she loves them all the more. As I have watched her, I have grown to know that it does not matter HOW you become a mother, but that you choose to do so, and open your arms to that wonderful gift.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sneak Peek--dang she's cute!

So the funnest girl moved into our ward a while ago, and she does photography. She asked if I would "let" her do some pictures of Emery--"to practice." Ummm--YES!! :) I have been so excited about it, so here are a few that she just posted. You can see her blog here:
Thanx Becca--you are awesome!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This is my now...

Not that I am complaining in the least--but Emery has been such a little sleepy head. She has been going for over 6 hour streches at night, and even then I am the one to wake her up. Here's to hoping it stays anywhere close to that nice!
I love it when little babies hold onto their binkies like this. (And oh how nice it has been that she likes her binkie! She is the first of my kids to show any interest.)

Here again daddy managed to catch her doing a funny pose. PEACE!

Tyler has also been busy--losing teeth! He lost one at Aunt Michelle's the night Emery was born, and then the other this Friday night. And he has another wiggly one on the bottom--the Tooth Fairy may just go broke!

Friday morning we woke up to a lot of snow. So I persuaded Mike to wait a little bit to get to work, and we built a snowman with the kids. This is our first one this year, mainly because by the time we thought about it, the snow would be melted. We all had a blast. And yes--it has froot loops for the mouth, and ritz crackers for eyes--guess I need to invest in some snowman supplies. We also went up sledding by Sundance on Saturday--but my battery died in our camera, so I'll have to post some from Andrea's camera later.

Mike decided the snow man would be me, holding a baby and all--so I told he had to lay a big kiss on her!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A week in review...:D

This is Kyle tackling Mike. I think Tyler took this picture, but I am glad to see it on here, because it shows what the week has been like! I knew he was going to be the one to have the roughest time with the baby coming, and boy has he! For the most part he is doing well, and loving her so much. (A little too much--I am afraid to get in the shower or anything, for fear of what I will find when I get out) BUt he has jumped a little too close to her, or thrown something at me because he was mad at whatever, and hit her with it--causing a not so happy mommy. Then he gets even more aggressive, and it takes a while to calm down. I just keep telling myself it will settle with time--it had better!!!

I think she looks a lot like me in this one. Funny, I haven't noticed that until looking at this picture as I uploaded it. I mean, I realize she has my dark hair and all, but she looks like me as a little girl in this one. Fun. :)

Daddy has been super camera happy with Emery--which is really cute. And somehow he gets he to do these funny shots. Here she is in a cute outfit Grandma C. got for her.

Bailey has been so sweet with her. She just wants to hold her ALL of the time, and take care of her. It is sweet to see. (And nice when she is willing to help out a little extra)

Here is Kyle meeting her for the first time. Is he thinking of eating her?? She is pretty darn sweet!

Awww--and big brother meeting her. It really has been a lot of fun to see the way the all look at her, and care about her already.

This was a shot when we got home from the hospital. I had to get one in her carseat, fresh home. She has been such an angel to have in our home--honestly. Just the sweet peace she brings--ya, I know--peace at our house is hard to find.