Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nine Years...??

So, today is my 9 year anniversary. NINE YEARS!!?? I cannot believe that much time has past. Honestly, how has it been that long? Nine years, and 4 children later, and we are still alive. That is an accomplishment in itself--right? That, and the fact that most days we can say we still love each other. (I say MOST days, because, well let's be honsest :)) I truly am married to an amazing man. When we met nine years ago, and he asked me out, I would have never thought we'd be HERE nive years later. Neither of us are perfect, far from it, but we are in this together, and that's what keeps me going. Gosh--I sure sound pesimistic, don't I? I blame it largely on the fact that he is out of town now, and I miss him! (That, and sleep deprivation)

We blessed Emery on Saturday. It is wonderful to get together with family, and see my husband use his preisthood to bless our child. He blessed her with so many wonderful things, and I cried thinking of the love I have for my little princess, and the obsticles she overcame to get here. When you think about it--ALL children are true miracles, and amazing blessings from a loving father in heaven.

Saturday night, my sister Amie received a blessing of health from my dad, and before hand everyone talked about all of the health struggles she has had throughout her life. As a little girl I always admired Amie and her strength, and talents. I still do. I know that she gets frustrated with the cards she has been dealth, but she bares it all so well. She has 2 GREAT kids who came to her by "unconventional means," and she loves them all the more. As I have watched her, I have grown to know that it does not matter HOW you become a mother, but that you choose to do so, and open your arms to that wonderful gift.


Tiffany said...

Congrats on 9 YEARS! We need to get together and celebrate :)

Debbie Campbell said...

Congrats on 9 years and 4 kids later.. I remember back when you guys and us were newly married in SLC in the Miller ward-We got married March 8, 2001.
It is so good to see your cute family and see that all is well. We would love to get together sometime, we are in Riverton, where are you? OUR kids are the same age as yours. We move away and live continues for both families....