Goodness--April has been such a crazy month! We had Emery's baby blessing, Easter, then our Anniversary, and Bailey's birthday (which Mike was out of town for :( ) We did Bailey's b-day party that Saturday, and then last week was my birthday! Losts of fun stuff going on--here are some peeks.

Kyle is too cute! This boy keeps us smiling, and on our toes for sure!

My handsome boys in their Easter swag. (This was
AFTER church, so they are a little less spiffy than if I had snagged a shot before)

Bailey in protest, but this dress is soo pretty on her.

Here she is on her birthday. Since Mike couldn't be here, he really wanted her to know he was thinking of her on her birthday, and Aunt Andrea went and picked up some balloons and some flowers--and even a Princess crown. We pretended that they were delivered--she felt so special.

She wanted a smiley face pancake for her birthday breakfast. This was the best I could do with what I had--thought that counts right??!
that is the cutest thing ever, getting the balloons and flowers and all that. Of course she felt special!!!
and the smiley face pancake is way cute. I will have to copy that for Grace. She will love it.
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