Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh the places we went!

I could not get these 2 pictures to post at the bottom, which is where I wanted them, but the kids all crashed when we got in the car. They sleep like their dad!

I had to post this picture, because it made me SO happy!! When we got home from the museum, I saw that some of our bulbs are coming up! That means Spring cannot be too far way--yeah!!!

OK--this will be one massive post--but we just went to the Discovery Gateway childrens museum, and it was so much fun! So here are some of the pictures. My kids did not want to leave, and have been asking to go back since. Yesterday at least we had the excuse it was Sunday.

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? They have a special Sesame Street exhibit right now, it cost extra, on top of the already pricy admission, but the kids loved it.
They have an actual Life Flight helicopter there for the kids to play in, I could not get them out of it. They aslo did not get the line concept, and just kept walking in front of all the other kids that were waiting to get in. Guess they thought they were just there to look.
They kept coming back to Oscars can, but he wouldn't come out. It made a lot of noise though, and Bailey was so nervous expecting him to jump ouyt at any moment.
This is the helicopter. It made sounds like it might just take off. Fun.
Mike and Kyle by Big Bird. What a trooper Kyle was. He stayed happy in the stroller for the most part.

They have a fun water feature with all sorts of different spouts and things. Tyler tried to drink the water though--luckily you could smell that it was HIGHLY chlorinated, so I think he'll live.
My little cowgirl! Probably her only ride on a horse for a while. Poor city girl huh?
And Tyler found a carrot for the horsie.
Farmer Bailey, planting carrots.
Tyler, scaling the wall.

OK--I am still figuring this Blogger thing out, so there are some random pictures in with the museum one, but here we are. Tyler and Bailey saw some pictures on my friend Sidni's blog of her kids at the Lehi Pool, and wanted to go swimming so bad. I said it was too cold, so they came up with the idea to swim in the bath tub. They got their swim suits on and everything. At least they had fun.
Kyle is so close to crawling. We are about 95% there, he just needs to get all of the movements cordinated.
This is our cousin Logan at the museum. They have fun tubes that suck little plastic balls up and take them all over . It's called the beehive.
Here is our cousin Abbie playing with the balls too. There were so many things to do, they thought of everything!
Here is Bailey, getting groceries together in the little house. I wish we could have our own little one of everything from this place. Our T.V. would never go on!

Monday, February 18, 2008

All aboard the "Short Bus"

So this is Tyler, riding Bailey little tricycle. Little being the key word. He has his own Bike, but this is what he chose. At least he has his helmet on--safety first, then style. He has a coat, and snowboots on, and let's not forget the infamous "Credibles costume" Mike came inside and said, "You've got to look at our son, he looks like a handicapp child." He kinda did, but what a cutie! Who else could pull that off?
Here's my ragamuffin Bailey--I had actually done her hair that day, but it didn't last through her nap. They are soready for spring, they are itching to play outside!
No yeilding the right of way here.
Here's our little smiley man. The red spot on his forehead is from bonking heads with me. He loves to do that now, which is funny, because Tyler loved to it too when he was this age. He would go over and bang his head against the wall, or the floor, or what ever would make a noise. He always had bruises along his forehead. I remember waiting for a time when he didn't have a bruise to get pictures done, and it never came. I finally had to just get them with several bruises in different color stages.

This is Tyler and Bailey waiting for their Aunt Annie & Uncle Elden to come visit. They love it when they come over. Mike told them to go watch for Annie & Elden to keep them busy for a while--it worked. The writing on the window is from Valentines Day--I decorated the house for Mike--with Bailey's help. When Tyler woke up (he'd fallen asleep on my bed) he was so mad about the decorations. He said, "Get this stuff out of our house RIGHT NOW mommy! It doesn't make me feel good" Wow! I got the marker to write on the windows when we bought Mike's car. I made them throw it in, or else we weren't buying!

My 2 Goofs

Bailey has been doing this all the time lately--oh how I love it while trying to make dinner or do the dishes. She says "I have to make music mommy." Don't look at the time on the picture, and notice she's still in her jamies! It's so sad that when I get her dressed she asks-"Where are we going?" or "Who's coming over?" Between nursing Kyle and trying to keep up with the house, getting dressed and hair done and everything seems to get pushed to the back burner a lot of days. I hope to get better at it as Kyle eats less (from me anyway.) I try, which is as much as I can do sometimes. Tyler loves staying in his PJ's, he'd live in them if I let him. Oh, and Daddy hid Tyler's Incredibles costume, and he's devestated. I've been looking on Ebay, but want him to somehow earn a new one. I taught his Primary class yesterday, and he was not earning it there--that's for sure.

This is my crazy Bailey. They were playing in the tent that Grandma Livingston gave to Tyler last Christmas, which is now alive again (thanks to daddy cleaning up our storage room.) Her hair got all staticy, and I thought it was HILARIOUS!

Here are my took goofs--I am so grateful when they play together--with minimal fighting.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow Days, Snow days, dear old frozen snow days!

Ok--let's start this off by saying I went to Idaho for a few days to visit with my mom & my grandpa. I got sick while I was up there, as did Kyle. No sleep because the beds are horrible to say the least, and Kyle was coughing all night. Then Sunday we drove home in the worst weather I have ever driven in! my hands hurt when I got home from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. No pictures from that visit, as I left the camera home for Mike to use when he took the kids sledding. Kyle and I are finally feeling better--well I am, and he is as far as I can tell. But boy, the kids sure had free rain of the house for a few days. We tried to go to the mall last night, to get a lullaby machine for Kyle, in hopes of getting him out of our bed. The kids (mainly Bailey) were TERRORS! Then, we got down to play on the toys (Provo Mall) and they had a sign up saying they had been removed while they are filming some MTV movie! Seriously! As if I needed one more tantrum-now I was a liar!
Here's Tyler hiding in the bookshelf.
This is another picture taken by Tyler--he's got promise as a photographer someday. Notice Bailey is barefoot? And runng back inside because they snuck out! Turkeys!
Now Bailey in the bookshelf.
This is last week, while it was still snowing really hard, and they had to go outside to play. They had a lot of fun making snow angels and eating lot's of snow. They begged me to "go outside and play on our swingset--it's lonely!"
I put Kyle's hair into a little MoHawk after the bath. What a babe!
Family Photo Opp. --all clean for the moment.
This is when the kids went sledding. Mike and his sister Andrea (Annie to us) and her husband Elden all went to Lindon park. As I was putting this pictures on here, Bailey came in and said, "I want to go sledding again mom!"
Looks like he clapped!
Marshmellow Girl!!

Tag--I'm it?!

What is his name?Mike--Michael if he's in trouble. Or baber, or ramma (long story)
How long have you been together? 7 years baby!
How long did you date? 4 weeks--2 of which were spent apart!
Who eats more? I win for sure in the sweets department. If we were having a pepper or chips and salsa eating contest--he'd kill!
Who said I love you first? I think it was me--I said "I think I'm falling in love with you." Sounds convincing huh?
Who is taller? Mike--about 3 inches
Who has more speeding tickets? Mike, but only after he met me--finally had someone to hurry home to!
Who is smarter? Depends.
Who is more sensitive? Me for sure--I think I've seen him cry once! I feel like Monica & Chandler sometimes. ;)
When there is a fight who usually wins? I'd have to say no one. I hate fighting!
Who does the laundry? Me. The time he tried, he thought the Downy ball was the soap (no detergent was added!) Sometimes I can get him to change them from the washer to the dryer.
Who does the dishes? Mostly me, but when he wants something...
Who sleeps on the right? If your'e looking at the bed, or once your'e in it? Looking at the bed, I'm on the right. He wouldn't even give up his side when I was pregnant (closer to the potty!)
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who mows the lawn? I have once since we've been in our house. It's a source of pride for him. He used to mow lawns during the summer.
Who cooks dinner? Me, or the occasional drive-thru if I'm lucky. He is excellent at grilling!
Who drives when you are together? Mostly Mike--that way I have to manage the kids.
Who is more stubborn? I don't think either of us are too stubborn.
Who kissed who first? Mike asked several times before I gave in. (shocker--I know)
Who asked who out first? He did--on the computer. I made him walk over and ask me out in person.
Who proposed? He did of course! It took him a few times, but here we are.
Who has more siblings? Him--3 brothers & 5 Sisters! Yes--that makes 9 total! Me 2 Sisters & 4 brothers.
Who wears the pants? Probably me--don't ask him!
I Tag--YOU!!!