Monday, February 18, 2008

My 2 Goofs

Bailey has been doing this all the time lately--oh how I love it while trying to make dinner or do the dishes. She says "I have to make music mommy." Don't look at the time on the picture, and notice she's still in her jamies! It's so sad that when I get her dressed she asks-"Where are we going?" or "Who's coming over?" Between nursing Kyle and trying to keep up with the house, getting dressed and hair done and everything seems to get pushed to the back burner a lot of days. I hope to get better at it as Kyle eats less (from me anyway.) I try, which is as much as I can do sometimes. Tyler loves staying in his PJ's, he'd live in them if I let him. Oh, and Daddy hid Tyler's Incredibles costume, and he's devestated. I've been looking on Ebay, but want him to somehow earn a new one. I taught his Primary class yesterday, and he was not earning it there--that's for sure.

This is my crazy Bailey. They were playing in the tent that Grandma Livingston gave to Tyler last Christmas, which is now alive again (thanks to daddy cleaning up our storage room.) Her hair got all staticy, and I thought it was HILARIOUS!

Here are my took goofs--I am so grateful when they play together--with minimal fighting.


Sidni Nielson said...

When I read "All aboard the short bus", I couldn't stop laughing. Your kids are so cute. Its funny how they just really don't care. I wish I could be more like that. Eden has wanted to wear her snowboots with her dresses. Maybe she could join Tyler on the bus!!!