Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow Days, Snow days, dear old frozen snow days!

Ok--let's start this off by saying I went to Idaho for a few days to visit with my mom & my grandpa. I got sick while I was up there, as did Kyle. No sleep because the beds are horrible to say the least, and Kyle was coughing all night. Then Sunday we drove home in the worst weather I have ever driven in! my hands hurt when I got home from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. No pictures from that visit, as I left the camera home for Mike to use when he took the kids sledding. Kyle and I are finally feeling better--well I am, and he is as far as I can tell. But boy, the kids sure had free rain of the house for a few days. We tried to go to the mall last night, to get a lullaby machine for Kyle, in hopes of getting him out of our bed. The kids (mainly Bailey) were TERRORS! Then, we got down to play on the toys (Provo Mall) and they had a sign up saying they had been removed while they are filming some MTV movie! Seriously! As if I needed one more tantrum-now I was a liar!
Here's Tyler hiding in the bookshelf.
This is another picture taken by Tyler--he's got promise as a photographer someday. Notice Bailey is barefoot? And runng back inside because they snuck out! Turkeys!
Now Bailey in the bookshelf.
This is last week, while it was still snowing really hard, and they had to go outside to play. They had a lot of fun making snow angels and eating lot's of snow. They begged me to "go outside and play on our swingset--it's lonely!"
I put Kyle's hair into a little MoHawk after the bath. What a babe!
Family Photo Opp. --all clean for the moment.
This is when the kids went sledding. Mike and his sister Andrea (Annie to us) and her husband Elden all went to Lindon park. As I was putting this pictures on here, Bailey came in and said, "I want to go sledding again mom!"
Looks like he clapped!
Marshmellow Girl!!


Sidni Nielson said...

Don't you just love the winter???.....Ahhh. Last year Tanner had the flu off and on for over 2 months.... That was so cruddy!!!! Hope you all are feeling better!