Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sneak Peek--dang she's cute!

So the funnest girl moved into our ward a while ago, and she does photography. She asked if I would "let" her do some pictures of Emery--"to practice." Ummm--YES!! :) I have been so excited about it, so here are a few that she just posted. You can see her blog here:
Thanx Becca--you are awesome!!


Becca said...

aw Linds, you're so sweet! haha. And I wanted to get the DVD to you tonight but we had a family dinner. but the pics are almost done because i have had so much fun working on them. So you should get the DVD tomorrow before we leave for our trip. YAY!

And yes ,she is SUPER cute. you guys know how to make 'em!

Tiffany said...

DARLING!! Hope you are adjusting well to your new normal :)