Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This is my now...

Not that I am complaining in the least--but Emery has been such a little sleepy head. She has been going for over 6 hour streches at night, and even then I am the one to wake her up. Here's to hoping it stays anywhere close to that nice!
I love it when little babies hold onto their binkies like this. (And oh how nice it has been that she likes her binkie! She is the first of my kids to show any interest.)

Here again daddy managed to catch her doing a funny pose. PEACE!

Tyler has also been busy--losing teeth! He lost one at Aunt Michelle's the night Emery was born, and then the other this Friday night. And he has another wiggly one on the bottom--the Tooth Fairy may just go broke!

Friday morning we woke up to a lot of snow. So I persuaded Mike to wait a little bit to get to work, and we built a snowman with the kids. This is our first one this year, mainly because by the time we thought about it, the snow would be melted. We all had a blast. And yes--it has froot loops for the mouth, and ritz crackers for eyes--guess I need to invest in some snowman supplies. We also went up sledding by Sundance on Saturday--but my battery died in our camera, so I'll have to post some from Andrea's camera later.

Mike decided the snow man would be me, holding a baby and all--so I told he had to lay a big kiss on her!


Becca said...

Oh goodness, I can't remember if I posted on this one yet, but if not, I love all the pics. Seriuosly, so cute.

It was fun chatting with you tonight at relief society. Thanks for helping with my kids! You are so sweet. How was the program? I was sad to have missed it.

You look A-mazing by the way, especially for just having a kid. Seriously, your tummy is already going down and you looked gorgeous. I see where your girls get their looks. :o)