Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cowboy Up!!!

We went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo in Pleasant Grove a few weeks ago, of what fun we had. Well, not so much. The main problem was it started about 45 minutes later than it was supposed to, and we got there even earlier than that to get a good spot, and that is a whole lot of waiting for my children. It sure brought back memories of my Roosevelt days though, sniff...sniff... I tried so hard to get some good pictures of the Mutton Bustin' but they didn't stay on too long, so this was the best I could do. My kids were dying to get out there and do it, but it looked pretty rough. A lot of them got stepped on, but they all got up and shook it off like real cowboys. A lot of the kids had dads that were in the Rodeo, we'll have to see if we can sign up for next year.
The little boy that stayed on the longest won a cute little John Deere Power Wheels. He rode around a little and waved--how cute. Again, not so hot with my camera skills, so this is the best shot.
This Dodge came out and sat in the middle of the arena forever, when it first came out, I thought " OK, it's finally going to start." No such luck.
Bailey & Annie. Bailey always wanted her picture taken, until it actually comes to taking it.
My ham of a child. He's been making goofy faces whenever I try to take a picture of him lately. Who's kid is he anyway?

Here's Annie & Elden. We have a lot of fun with them, and we eat it up, because I keep telling them as soon as they have kids of their own it will change. They love our kids so much, and the feeling is strongly mutual.