Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Circus, huh...

Ok, so I was so excited to go to the Circus! We got the tickets for Tyler's birthday, and decided not to tell the kids about it until we got there. (Mike's big push, I thought it might be better to tell them ahead, to bulid up the excitment for the actual event, not just a suprise, but anyway) So we got there too late to see the animals before, but we got in, and it started pretty soon which was good. My kids lost interest soo fast. In my opinion, there was too much dancing and singing, and not enough CIRCUS. I also think part of the problem for my kids was they were invisioning the Circus as being like a carnival, and when we got there, there were not rides or anything. There was a nasty guy sitting in front of us who kept yelling at me for Tyler putting his feet up on the chair in front of him, which was EMPTY by the way! I hate it when people come to things like the circus, and are upset when there are kids there! Kids should be excited at the circus--right? Don't go to things where kids are going to be if you hate kids. Simple as that buddy. Anyway, we went, it's a memory, or at least we have the photos to prove we went. I don't think we'll go again for a while, if ever. I went about 8 years ago, and I remember it being so awesome, I think they have changed it a lot. There was a lot of Hootchie-mamas, wearing not enough clothing for a childrens event if you ask me.


moonchullee said...

I want to be part of your family. You guys are beautiful. I just can't decide whether it would be better for you to adopt me or for me to be a second husband. How about if I just call all of you my kids.

Tiffany said...

I cant BELIEVE you say Hootchie-mamas! Mike thinks I am the craziest when I say that. On another note I have always wanted to take the kiddos to the circus, I think I will stick with the ice shows now!