Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween--Part one!

Just in case we don't get any tonight! (Happy ones anyway) My parents came to visit yesterday from Idaho, and the kids dressed up so they could see their costumes. Kyle actually really liked wearing his this time, until it got too warm. We had so much fun playing with Grandpa & Grandma! I love to see my dad just wear himself out with my kids. Whenever I talk to him on the phone, he laughs histerically at my kids in the background--nice to have him her in person to enjoy the glory! He asked for 4 Tylenol after the kids were in bed--love it! Before they got here, Tyler asked which grandpa & grandma were coming, and when I said G & G Washington (guess we need to change that to Idaho now) he said "Oh--I just love those guys!" Funny, because they are about 8 hours closer than they used to be, but I still wish they were closer. Bailey cried and cried when they left, she said she didn't want them to go live at Abbie & Logan's house. I told her we had to share them with Abbie, Logan & Parker--she didn't seem to care.
I love blogger and the way the phtos don't show up one here the way you select them in, but this is Tyler's preschool class all in their costumes. You can't see his cute teacher (Cut her off at the end I guess!) She was Cat in the Hat though--she's so much fun! Really, I just about cry every time I think about what an amazing lady she is, and the great things she has done for my kids. The other day when we were at a friends, and one of them didn't really want to play with Bailey, instead of yelling (which is often the case) Bailey said, "Marissa, could you please use your nice words?" How funny is that? That is definitely Ms. Diane's work, all the way!

I made Carmel Apples today for the first time ever! I am so excited, they actually look like they'll be YUMMY! It was fun, I like learning how to make new things. I'll be sure to let you know how they turn out--wer'e not eating them until tonight.

Before the White Chocolate & toppings.

Spider Man to save the day!

Rah-Rah-Rah--GOOO COUGARS! Bailey has had a hard time deciding on a costume, but I bought this one on Ebay, and this is what she is being this year--tough luck sis! Yesterday when I dropped her of at school for her little Halloween party, I could see her face when she saw one of her friends dressed up as a very cute Fairy--but she'll survive. Next year I have a goal to MAKE their costumes. I better get started NOW, as it will probably take me that long to sew them!

Sis was "helping" me make brownies for a Relief Society meeting the other day. Licking the beaters is the BEST part of helping. She was been on such a kick lately of wanting to help me with whatever it is I am doing (cooking, laundry, sweeping, you name it!) It is fun, but gets a little crazy sometimes.

I gave in and let them ride the carousel at Kmart the other day. It only takes one quarter, and goes twice as long as the 50 Cent ones. They had so much fun--the smiles alone were worth the 25 Cents!


Bill Cobabe said...

I love it! Great post. One of my top ten favorites... I want one of your apples! They look fantastic!!! I miss my apple trees so much... I miss you so much!

Shanna said...

OH I am sooo craving a carmel apple now! Thanks alot! :) They looked wonderful! :)

Tiffany said...

Love halloween and loving that it is over :) The apples look great!

LivingstonClan said...

The apples we AMAZING!!!

Tiffany said...

AWESOME family picture, you all look great! How did you get the photo so big on your blog?

LivingstonClan said...

I don't know how I got it so big--just the file size maybe--I'm not super tech savvy! So you are doing a race in St. George this weekend huh? Way to bail on our plans!

Bryon & Jennifer said...

Your family is so cute I am glad i found you I did know you had a blog I am new at it so I don't really know what I am doing but it is fun I'll talk to you later