Saturday, October 11, 2008


I am sure I have posted similar pictures of Kyle, but one of my favorite things is when he (or any kid) falls asleep in the hi-chair. I have always loved kids ability to go, go go--and then CRASH!
I am not sure how many people know this, (a ton in my ward--word travels fast amongst us Mormons!) but I started working 3 nights a week at a scrapbook store (it's called Paper Wizard) I just assemble kits, it's super easy, and I am actually enjoying it. Not many "jobs" you can say that about. Everyone else goes home soon after I get there, and it is just me and one other girl. We have gotten to be good friends, and it is nice to have some quiet time. This was a hard decision for me, to leave me kids and go work, but it has been good for all of us for the most part. We did that Dave Ramsey class, and he really stresses getting an extra job to speed up paying off your debt, and I didn't want Mike to have to work 2 jobs, and thought this might be a good way for me to contribute a little. I think it has been great for Mike to get alone time with the kids, because when I am home they kind of gravitate toward me, and he gets the shaft. But now they are forced to spend time with daddy, and it has been great to hear about the fun things they do while I am gone. The other night there was a fair in Provo that Waste Management was at, and Mike took the kids down to it. They came home with bags full of "goodies" from various public works places, and couldn't stop talking about it for days! Tyler & Bailey both said how much fun they had, and how nice it was of daddy to take them to the fair. And they are on a recycling kick from it too. Tyler went to a birthday party for a friend from preschool today, and before he left the said " I better make sure Cody recycles this wrapping paper." How cute is that? I am not bringing in boat loads of money from this job, but as hard as it is to think of me working as a blessing, it is bringing a lot of great things to our family I think. It's only from 5-9, so I am still home with them all day, and don't feel like I am missing too much. And it is just enough time to help me re-charge my mommy batteries, and feel like I can stay sain another day. This picture is of Tyler & Bailey with their firefighter and construction hats on from the fair. Bailey suggested we take it by the fire truck bed, since she had a fire mans hat on & all. We must take a lot of pictures around here.