Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why do we have to take pictures?

We have been in serious need of a family photo for SO long, and I really wanted one outside. The window of opportunity is rapidly closing (maybe closed as of today--BRRR!) A friend of ours agreed to take some of us, and I was on a quest to find a great spot. I have seen a location on several photographers websites they call the Orchard in Provo, and I loved the way the picutres look, and google searched it, to no avail, so I drove around on Tuesday while Bailey was at school trying to find it. I know Provo pretty well, enough to find stuff and not get lost, but I don't know it well enough as I found out. My time was running out before I needed to pick up Bailey, and I called my brother Bill to see if he had any ideas. He mentioned a park in Orem called Nelson's Grove, and that there was an orchard near by it I could check out. I have lived in Orem for a large portion of my life, and had never seen or heard of this park until now. It was SO beautiful! I could have stayed there all day. I took some pictures the day we went to look, and some when we went back with all of us to take the official ones. BIG thanx to Garred, and when I get the ones he took (Crossing my fingers that some turned out--not because of Garred's abilities, but my kids were being, well, kids. Tyler kept moaning and asking why we had to take pictures anyway!) I will post some of those. Pictures are really important to me, and I know they are to Mike too. We both grew up in families with not a ton of money, and pictures of our childhood are scarce. It was sad when we were making our wedding video, and I had about 5 pictures of me from elementary school. I don't resent my parents for it, but I am just trying hard to take A LOT of pictures of my kiddos. I am already struggling though, Tyler had WAY more professional pictures done than the other 2 have. Oh well, at least I am trying right?
Bailey by the pond. The kids loved the ducks.
Bailey's piggies.
Tyler is a duck whisperer--it's a hidden talent.
Kyle was putting his head on the rocks and saying "na-night"
I tried to get Tyler to cooperate for one by the Barn. This was the best I got.

This is the AWESOME swing set. It looks like one of the things they use to walk horses around in a circle (technical name escapes me now) It is so tall, the swings get going really high!
Tyler reflecting on life, and it's many meanings.
Beautiful fountain.
My girl.
Hopefully more to come. (No pressure Garred! ;P Thanx again!)


Alisha said...

Way cute!!! Did you change to black and white before you took the pics?
Well love them!!!

Meagan said...

That park is great, you have got to see it in the spring, tullips everywhere. Great pictures!!!

LivingstonClan said...

I set my camera to Sepia--which I am loving lately. And I can't wait to see that park in the spring--I love Tulips! Meagan--what is your blog address?

Katie said...

It is so hard to find a good place to go take pictures. The place that we went to is just a house in Pleasant Grove that I pass everyday. And then I realized all the fun places that we could take pictures. So I went and knocked on their door and asked them if we could take our family pictures there. They were so nice about it!! And I am also in love with the Sepia setting on our camera, I rarely take color photots anymore.