Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween--Part one!

Just in case we don't get any tonight! (Happy ones anyway) My parents came to visit yesterday from Idaho, and the kids dressed up so they could see their costumes. Kyle actually really liked wearing his this time, until it got too warm. We had so much fun playing with Grandpa & Grandma! I love to see my dad just wear himself out with my kids. Whenever I talk to him on the phone, he laughs histerically at my kids in the background--nice to have him her in person to enjoy the glory! He asked for 4 Tylenol after the kids were in bed--love it! Before they got here, Tyler asked which grandpa & grandma were coming, and when I said G & G Washington (guess we need to change that to Idaho now) he said "Oh--I just love those guys!" Funny, because they are about 8 hours closer than they used to be, but I still wish they were closer. Bailey cried and cried when they left, she said she didn't want them to go live at Abbie & Logan's house. I told her we had to share them with Abbie, Logan & Parker--she didn't seem to care.
I love blogger and the way the phtos don't show up one here the way you select them in, but this is Tyler's preschool class all in their costumes. You can't see his cute teacher (Cut her off at the end I guess!) She was Cat in the Hat though--she's so much fun! Really, I just about cry every time I think about what an amazing lady she is, and the great things she has done for my kids. The other day when we were at a friends, and one of them didn't really want to play with Bailey, instead of yelling (which is often the case) Bailey said, "Marissa, could you please use your nice words?" How funny is that? That is definitely Ms. Diane's work, all the way!

I made Carmel Apples today for the first time ever! I am so excited, they actually look like they'll be YUMMY! It was fun, I like learning how to make new things. I'll be sure to let you know how they turn out--wer'e not eating them until tonight.

Before the White Chocolate & toppings.

Spider Man to save the day!

Rah-Rah-Rah--GOOO COUGARS! Bailey has had a hard time deciding on a costume, but I bought this one on Ebay, and this is what she is being this year--tough luck sis! Yesterday when I dropped her of at school for her little Halloween party, I could see her face when she saw one of her friends dressed up as a very cute Fairy--but she'll survive. Next year I have a goal to MAKE their costumes. I better get started NOW, as it will probably take me that long to sew them!

Sis was "helping" me make brownies for a Relief Society meeting the other day. Licking the beaters is the BEST part of helping. She was been on such a kick lately of wanting to help me with whatever it is I am doing (cooking, laundry, sweeping, you name it!) It is fun, but gets a little crazy sometimes.

I gave in and let them ride the carousel at Kmart the other day. It only takes one quarter, and goes twice as long as the 50 Cent ones. They had so much fun--the smiles alone were worth the 25 Cents!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Read this--with tissues handy!

My sister posted this on her blog, and I bawled reading it! Life is so precious. I am new to reading NieNie, but when I do, I find myself appreciating things more. My husband, my kids, my sisters, and life. **HUGS**

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My husband the hunter! (Viewer discretion is advised!)

OK, so I will be the first to tell you I have mixed emotions about Mike being a "hunter." Growing up, my dad never hunted or anything, and I was never against it, I just didn't plan on doing in my family. When I lived in Roosevelt I saw my fair share (which included seeing Julie's brother butchering his deer on their kitchen TABLE!! Not an image I am losing anytime soon) And I realized how great of a tradition is can be for families, especially fathers & sons--but again, not something I thought I'd have in my family. I married a boy from American Fork, thought I had a "city slicker" and it turns out I was wrong! Don't get me wrong, I love county boys as much as the rest, just never thought I'd see the day when my husband would bring me home a deer instead of the bacon. I have questioned him as to why he wanted to hunt many times, and he explained to me that his dad never did these kind of things with him, and he wants to be able to do them with our boys. How do you argue with that?? So every year I have gotten him off for the hunt, and every year I have secretly prayed in my heart he wouldn't come home with anything! I know that makes me aweful, and I wanted him to get something for his ego, but not bring it home. SO this year he goes out with a different group of guys than he has in the past (Remind me to thank you Mike & Dustin!!) and he was so excited because he said it was pretty much guaranteed he'd get a deer--they always do. Sure enough, first thing in the morning--he got it. I am genuinely happy for him, even if I don't sound like it, and am even willing to try the meat. I am glad he decided to have it professionally butchered, especially since he mentioned doing it on the kitchen table! I told him only if he was planning on buying me a new kitchen table. (not a bad idea acutally--hmm....) I'll be sure to let you know how it tastes--anyone's welcome! He had fun, and that's what really matters. I am happy for him to get to do something for himself--he works so hard for us. Bailey asked why he was going hunting, and when I told her he was going to kill a deer, she about started crying, and said "Why--deer are nice?" I explained that people hunt the deer because if there gets to be too many, there won't be enough food, and they'll die. Hard thing to understand, but I am sure as the kids get older, and we get that trailer we dream of, we'll all go and see what all the fuss is about.
I am only posting this one--show's the least amount of gore.
OK, and this one--nice hands babe. I asked him if he washed his hands REALLY well before he touched me! I asked him if now that he's shot and cleaned one he still wants to keep going he said "Oh ya!"
Dustin took 2 of his boys with him. Mike said they did so well, and made him realize maybe he can take Tyler next year (I added that last part--Mike thinks it will be a while, but Tyler really wants to go. And he loves blood & gore)
This is William asleep in the Suburban--probably while the men folk were taking care of Mike's kill.
And Connor--how sweet! So cute in their Orange shirts.
Dustin & the boys. What a great papa!

For Michelle

I finally dared to try cutting vinyl with my Cricut, and I did some cute flowers in Bailey's room. I was practicing with some vinyl that Michelle gave me, and wanted to show her what it looks like. Thanx for the vinyl SISTA!

Monday, October 20, 2008


8 Shows I love to watch:
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Life
3. Private Practice
4. One Tree Hill (totally "teeny-bopper"--but I LOVE IT!)
5. ER
6. The Office
7. Biggest Loser (cuz I need to be one!)
8. American Idol (can't wait for January)
8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Tried to sleep in
2. Made preview to Thanxgiving dinner
3. Church--uggh. I substituted in Nursery which was actually great. I'm in the hall with Kyle anyway. 2 more months!
4. Ate our yummy dinner--so good.
5. Read stories with my kiddos
6. Got asked to "help" with Super Saturday--which is in 3 Weeks!
7. Helped Mike get ready to go hunting.
8. Stayed up too late watching Desperate Housewives (guess that makes me one huh?)
8 Favorite places to eat:
1. Cafe Rio
3. Texas Roadhouse
4. Olive Garden
5. Goodwood
6. SubWay
7. Costco
8. Anywhere but home! (no dishes)
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Losing weight
2. Christmas
3. Being debt free
4. Potty Training my last child (someday ;) )
5. Going back to school
6. Twilight Movie
7. Having another baby
8. Watching my kids grow up

8 Things on my wish list:
1. New washer & dryer (like Callie's dream ones--that will fit a TON of clothes, and my King Size blankets, and be fast)
2. A deck
3. A backyard makeover
4. Lot's of Cricut Cartridges
5. LIPO ;P
6. New job for Mike that he loves
7. My kids to be happy
8. My dad to get a job
9. Everyone who read this to leave me a dang comment!!
People I TAG:
YOU! If you haven't done this--it was kinda fun.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh Farmer Grant has a Pumpkin Patch--the best you ever seen!

Monday was Tyler's fieldtrip to the Pumpkin Patch, and I got to tag along. His teacher called me Saturday to ask if I could drive because someone else cancelled--I said for sure! I went last year, and it was a lot of fun, and we have been getting Bailey excited about it for over a month now. Then she brought her calendar home, and no Pumpkin Patch for her class. :( I never told her we she wasn't going, and we got our chance! Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law Marcia for watching Kyle for us--it's was soo cold, he would have froze. Plus, I needed about 10 more hands than I had to keep track of all the kids. Ms. Diane has a great "hand-holder" rope for the kids to hold onto, but when we got to the play area, it was CRAZY!! There was 4 school buses full of kids there at the same time as us, and it was chaos trying to keep an eye on our kids. But so much fun. What a great tradition.
How does she look with long hair?
Walking through the Indian Corn (or Native American Corn if you will)
Good Gords!!
All of the kids get to pick a pumpkin to take home. Some of them we heavier than the kids! Hooray for fall.

SNOW days!

Snow angel. (Or devil, depending on the moment ;) )
Mmmm, mom it's delicious!
To slide, or not to slide--that is the question.
The best part about playing in the snow is hot chocolate afterwards. It snowed on Sunday, and my kids were dying to get out and play in it. I tried to be strong and keep the Sabbath and all, but begging prevailed, and we let them outside for a while. We are not quite prepared for winter, so they went out in last years stuff that's too small, and mom & dad's gloves that are too big. BUt they didn't mind a bit--they loved it! So much fun to be a kid. I remember playing in the snow until I couldn't feel my fingers or toes anymore, and then playing some more.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why do we have to take pictures?

We have been in serious need of a family photo for SO long, and I really wanted one outside. The window of opportunity is rapidly closing (maybe closed as of today--BRRR!) A friend of ours agreed to take some of us, and I was on a quest to find a great spot. I have seen a location on several photographers websites they call the Orchard in Provo, and I loved the way the picutres look, and google searched it, to no avail, so I drove around on Tuesday while Bailey was at school trying to find it. I know Provo pretty well, enough to find stuff and not get lost, but I don't know it well enough as I found out. My time was running out before I needed to pick up Bailey, and I called my brother Bill to see if he had any ideas. He mentioned a park in Orem called Nelson's Grove, and that there was an orchard near by it I could check out. I have lived in Orem for a large portion of my life, and had never seen or heard of this park until now. It was SO beautiful! I could have stayed there all day. I took some pictures the day we went to look, and some when we went back with all of us to take the official ones. BIG thanx to Garred, and when I get the ones he took (Crossing my fingers that some turned out--not because of Garred's abilities, but my kids were being, well, kids. Tyler kept moaning and asking why we had to take pictures anyway!) I will post some of those. Pictures are really important to me, and I know they are to Mike too. We both grew up in families with not a ton of money, and pictures of our childhood are scarce. It was sad when we were making our wedding video, and I had about 5 pictures of me from elementary school. I don't resent my parents for it, but I am just trying hard to take A LOT of pictures of my kiddos. I am already struggling though, Tyler had WAY more professional pictures done than the other 2 have. Oh well, at least I am trying right?
Bailey by the pond. The kids loved the ducks.
Bailey's piggies.
Tyler is a duck whisperer--it's a hidden talent.
Kyle was putting his head on the rocks and saying "na-night"
I tried to get Tyler to cooperate for one by the Barn. This was the best I got.

This is the AWESOME swing set. It looks like one of the things they use to walk horses around in a circle (technical name escapes me now) It is so tall, the swings get going really high!
Tyler reflecting on life, and it's many meanings.
Beautiful fountain.
My girl.
Hopefully more to come. (No pressure Garred! ;P Thanx again!)


I am sure I have posted similar pictures of Kyle, but one of my favorite things is when he (or any kid) falls asleep in the hi-chair. I have always loved kids ability to go, go go--and then CRASH!
I am not sure how many people know this, (a ton in my ward--word travels fast amongst us Mormons!) but I started working 3 nights a week at a scrapbook store (it's called Paper Wizard) I just assemble kits, it's super easy, and I am actually enjoying it. Not many "jobs" you can say that about. Everyone else goes home soon after I get there, and it is just me and one other girl. We have gotten to be good friends, and it is nice to have some quiet time. This was a hard decision for me, to leave me kids and go work, but it has been good for all of us for the most part. We did that Dave Ramsey class, and he really stresses getting an extra job to speed up paying off your debt, and I didn't want Mike to have to work 2 jobs, and thought this might be a good way for me to contribute a little. I think it has been great for Mike to get alone time with the kids, because when I am home they kind of gravitate toward me, and he gets the shaft. But now they are forced to spend time with daddy, and it has been great to hear about the fun things they do while I am gone. The other night there was a fair in Provo that Waste Management was at, and Mike took the kids down to it. They came home with bags full of "goodies" from various public works places, and couldn't stop talking about it for days! Tyler & Bailey both said how much fun they had, and how nice it was of daddy to take them to the fair. And they are on a recycling kick from it too. Tyler went to a birthday party for a friend from preschool today, and before he left the said " I better make sure Cody recycles this wrapping paper." How cute is that? I am not bringing in boat loads of money from this job, but as hard as it is to think of me working as a blessing, it is bringing a lot of great things to our family I think. It's only from 5-9, so I am still home with them all day, and don't feel like I am missing too much. And it is just enough time to help me re-charge my mommy batteries, and feel like I can stay sain another day. This picture is of Tyler & Bailey with their firefighter and construction hats on from the fair. Bailey suggested we take it by the fire truck bed, since she had a fire mans hat on & all. We must take a lot of pictures around here.

Presenting Princess Ballerina Bailey!

Going along with my strive to play with my kids more, here are some photos of Bailey's dance session from last night. She was sad about something (the girl IS drama! Love her, but seriously!?) So I said let's dress up. She said she wanted to be a Princess, and when we walked into her room we spotted the ballerina stuff first (thanx cousin Abbie!) Every night she asks me to tell her a little story before I go out of her room (after our regular out of books stories) I always tell her about Princess Bailey, who is a ballerina, and sometimes a bug. (we always call her Bailey Bug) So this way she was able to be Princess Ballerina Bailey. We got her all dressed, and she told me to come out and watch her moves. She asked me to play some music on the piano for her (not my strong area, in case you were thinking of asking me to play for yor next event) I started lpaying some random notes, and she came over and showed me how to play ballerina dance music, it has to be louder I guess. We had a lot of fun, and sge forgot all about whatever it was she was mad about.

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's officially fall! (Cause I said so)

My grandma forwarded this picture to me, it was taken by my cousin near her house in Fairview. How awesome is that? Can you look at that and say there is no God? And that He is not amazing? Not me. I love it when the leaves change! I watch to see the first dots of red on the mountains, it's just so beautiful.
I took these while we were at the park the other day. My friend Tiffany posted a blog that has inspired me to strive to be a little better mom every day. I have really tried hard this week--Monday we went to the park, and I pushed my kids every time they asked, and we read stories, and played Wii--and I did no house work until "quiet time" It was a really great day! I am trying to savor these moments I have with my little ones, because I know they won't be little for long. It is hard not to wish they were older, so things would be so much easier. Then I remind myself of what I was like as a preteen/teenager, and try even harder to hold on to these fights (about popsicles or markers rather than boys & piercings!) I love my kids so much, and want so much for them to remember the fun things we did together, not a grumpy mommy shooing them out so I could finish the dishes or fold the clothes. All those things need to get done, but I am just making a conscious effort to have them come after time with the kids does. It has been amazing to see the change in their behavior. The days that we have spent a lot of time just being together, they are so much sweeter, and even nicer to each other. I don't know how many of you read the NieNie dialogues, but her story has inspired me also. You just never know what is going to happen tomorrow, or next week, so we need to wrap our arms around TODAY! She looks like she did/will do so many fun things with her kids, but even she locked them out in the backyard one afternoon so she could have so peace! I love to see when even the moms that you think are "perfect" need some alone time. Anyway, so we had fun at the park! Fall also means not many more days at the park--so live them up!

This is my mountain--right outside my window! I love it!
Yup--those are peaches--and I canned them! With the help of my wonderful mother-in-law of course, but there they are. They may not taste good, but I actually canned! We did green beans last year, and the butter earlier this year, that makes 3 whole canning experiences for me. I am so proud, not as in a prideful way, but proud as in I accomplished something. The cannery here in Lindon was giving away peaches because they had no more time to can them (late season I guess) My kind neighbor grabbed me some, and boy do they go south in a hurry! We saved enough for 7 bottles--hooray. I do not fancy myself as a dooms-dayer by any means, but lately I have been having that scary, uneasy feeling about the way things are going in our country, and the world, and am anxious to get prepared. We are working really hard right now to get out of debt completely, which will feel SO nice when we are there. It is hard right now, budgeting, and being strong against sales & things, but I am getting a different kind of "high" from paying things off, and saving. Crazy--I know.