Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The boy's had ENOUGH!!!


Painting with mom!

This is Tyler with his hairnet after his fieldtrip to Harmons grocery store.

This is my first born child--Tyler. He has had enough! He is running away to find somewhere that he can sleep in peace. Our efforts to get Kyle to sleep better have been affecting him more than I thought--apparently! I was so amazed at how he was sleeping through Kyle's SCREAMS, but I guess it turns out he wasn't getting as much sleep as we thought he was. All last week he kept carrying around these 2 bags he packed (one with toys, and the other with all the essential clothing items he might need--& a tooth brush & tooth paste. At least that is sinking in!) He kept telling me he was running away, but would never tell me why. Then he told Mike it was because he is tired of not getting any sleep with Kyle crying so much. How sad is that?!! I honestly am at a loss. Running on little sleep wears on mom too--sure hope Kyle starts sleeping soon--for all of our sakes. If Tyler comes to your house--please feed him & send him back!! We'll miss him!


audge8 said...

How about a trade... him for one of mine...?? Just an idea! Sorry you guys are not sleeping...know how that feels!

andersons said...

What a cutie! That's pretty funny that he is so fed up he is ready to leave. He sounds like he has a cute personality.

Bill Cobabe said...

You'll have to ask mom about the time I threatened to run away...

Ammon keeps saying he's outta here too. I say, "where would you go?" He says, "I don't know - Utah, maybe." I say, "well, that's a pretty long walk." He says, "well, I better get started." I say, "what are you taking with you?" He says, "nothing!" I say, "well, since you didn't pay for those shoes and clothes, you'll have to leave them here - otherwise it would be stealing..." He says, "They're mine!" I say, "no, I paid for them - they're mine." By then he's usually too tired to argue any more, plus the idea of running away naked and shoeless has little appeal for the boy... :-)

He's never serious (like Tyler). He just wants to talk. Sounds like Tyler is a very normal kid. And if he makes it to Texas, we just may keep him.

Shanna said...

OH that is so funny! I'll keep him for you for a few days! lol

Sidni Nielson said...

829 west 1500 south. i am excited to see you again!

Sidni Nielson said...

take the second exit by the walmart. call me if you need more directions 465-9750

Tiffany said...

Send him our way we need a little boy!

Sarah Anne said...

That is the sweetest, most heart-breaking thing ever! Poor Tyler! Maybe you can let him "run away" to a fort in the living room for a night or two! :)

Annika said...

We can definitely sympathize with the night time screaming thing, although none of our kids threatened to run away...

Tiffany said...

Ummmmmmm waiting for a new post already :) We are going to Ftn Green for New Years (can you feel the excitement in my writing?) We HAVE to still get together and play games!!