Monday, December 22, 2008

What we do on COLD day.

Last Monday for FHE we made Gingerbread cookies. Maybe it wasn't even FHE, the dadys all seem to run together sometimes. Anywhoo, we made them, and it was actually a lot of fun. I sent Mike to the store since he was already out & about, and it was snowing really bad, and he found some Betty Crocker Gingerbread mix instead of buying the Molasses & all. It turned out yummy, and the kids had a fun time, which was the main goal.

Tyler decorating his cookies.

Bailey had some help with the frosting, but she loaded up the M & M's all by herself.

We built a fort in the living room and played in it all day. Things like this make me miss being a kid!

Can we go outside now?! I was feeling jipped when all of the snow storms kept getting Salt Lake & not us---what was I thinking?! It is snowing like crazy today, but it's SO pretty. I just refuse to leave the house for any reason. Mike has to drive up to Salt Lake, luckily he is a VERY safe driver. My fingers are still crossed.


Anonymous said...

You are the best mom ever! I can hardly stand the mess when my kids build a fort! LOL

