I really would like to have a few things in my life that belong to me. My blog is one of them. I love the Blogger world, and think it is a great tool to catch up with friends and family. What a sad day when people cowardly use them to lash out at people. I really do not want to have to start the whole comment moderation, so do as Thumper said "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." I am a good, nice person--if you don't know that, that you don't know me. I post good, nice things about my family, and our going on's. Please don't clutter up my comment section with things you are too weak to say to my face. The people that this is meant for know who they are--everyone else, feel free to post me a nice fluffy comment about how super you think I am, and how seeing cute pictures of my kids makes you smile! Who doesn't love blog comments--they make you feel all warm a fuzzy inside! I just think it is sad that some people have nothing better to do. Honestly--get a life! You know my email, and my telephone number, if you have something you absolutely must say to me, do it in one of those ways. Don't use my blog, your comment will simply be deleted. Again--love to all my happy peeps out there! Have a super fantastic day!
5 months ago
sounds like something I wrote once...
I sure love you and your cute kids. Miss you tons! See you in July/August!
Have I told you lately that I love you?...You are my sun, my moon... (let me know when I have reached "fluffy"...:) No...I really do love you! And I hope you're hanging in there through your first trimester!
Thanx Audrey! Super fluffy--good to know I can count on you. You are my silver lining on a cloudy day! ;)
Amen sista!
You are super nice and a good person!
Oh I'm sorry that someone wrote something mean to you. How could anyone be mean to you? You are the sweetest, nicest person ever!! So take what that person says and shove it where the sun don't shine! Keep smiling!!! :)
Thanx Shanna--what a super nice, beautiful, kind person you are to say that! ;)
Yo Dawg. Thanks for taking care of my family. :)
What... drama in the bogging world?
You are Fabulous that is my simple comment, all things FABULOUS!! You need a little FABULOUS is that so wrong??
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