Monday, April 27, 2009

SAND Hollow

OK--so the weekend of the 18th, we headed down to warmer climates and camped with my sister Michelle and her family, and Josh and his family. This is the first time we have been camping since Bailey was a newborn, and we were a little hesitant at first to say the least. But boy are we glad we went! We had so much fun--on the way home we were calculating how long until we can purchase a truck, and some 4-wheelers to pull behind it. The kids had SOO much fun, which was my main motivation in going. Mike had a few days off, and instead of just lounging around not doing much--we went for some camping fun! The only problem was the wind, and the fact that both of the air mattresses we brought were NO GOOD!

Blogger does funny things with the order of pictures these days--and I decided not to fret about it too much and just go with it--so here we go! When the kids got tired out, and we were all trying to clean up, they watched a movie in Josh's vehicle. These three boys are June, July and August birthdays--so fun!

Our loverly family--nice and clean for a photo! (Kyle was sleeping in the Van)

See--here's Kyle. He had a hard time falling asleep, so when he finally did--it was wonderful!

Cute little Parker--holding on to the ball so no one else got it.

Josh's little girl Megan--all ready to go on a ride. The kids all couldn't get enough of the 4-wheelers.

Kyle was so funny--he would sit on the 4-wheelers, and want to go on a ride SOO bad, but didn't want to have the helmet on and be buckled in. The morning before we left Mike finally got him on the little one, and he was ALL smiles!

Mike--loading up to take the kids on a ride. The big 4-wheeler of Michelle and Aarons is AWESOME! It has seat belts, and a roll bar on the top--feels extra safe! And it fits 5 people, which is great!

Josh, Megan, and Michelle--FUN ride!

The kids loved playing in the sand. It was so much fun to see them all play so well together. It still amazes me to see us have our own kids now.

Kyle's ready or not! He is really starting to get into cars and all of the fun "Boy" things--it is a lot of fun.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Post

The Easter Bunny waited until after church to do our Egg hunt. (9 AM church is hard enough as it is!) The kids were excited when we pulled in and there were eggs everywhere. So fun to watch them be so excited. Those are the moments where it really pays off.

If I were smart I could rotate this picture--but you get what you get! Bailey in her pretty Easter dress, showing off all of the eggs she found. She found the most by far, but they all ended up in a big heap anyway.

Kyle just giggled, and giggled at the whole thing. He is such a sweet boy!

Hunt at Grandma Livingston's. How cute is that?! I love it when they are sweet to each other. I can so see that Tyler is growing up!

Bailey and Kyle playing under Grandma's wheelchair. Goof balls!

Tyler happy about his LOOT!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Thanx Kassie for letting me steal this picture off your blog--it's a great one! Happy Birthday to Joshie! I cannot believe he is turning 29--that is OLD! ;) I was just searching for a nice memory of Josh to share, and as we kind of butted heads growing up, it took a second. But one that always really touched me was before he went on his mission and he asked me to go into town to get some Pop I think. I was skeptical, as I said we weren't the closest, but we had a really nice talk, and I was so impressed that my brother had grown up in there somewhere, and I hadn't even realized. And then we bawled like babies when he went into the MTC! I love you Josh. I hope you read this, and get all mushie inside too. You are an amazing father--especially when you change the occasional diaper! Hope you have a great day.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bailey's Big Day!

(Don't worry--we don't let our children play in the dryer! She climbed in here ONCE after I had taken clothes out, and I thought it made a cute picture)

Happy Birthday Bailey Jean!!! Honestly, somedays I am amazed we have made it to #4! Bailey is such a little fighter--and I cannot imagine my life without her. We had a fun little party for her tonight. I let her invite friends, since she has been talking about who's invited and who wasn't for nearly a year! We had pizza, an Easter Egg hunt, presents, and then a DELICIOUS Cold Stone cake from her awesome Aunt Michelle (they are the one in Ft. Union--go there, go often!) She got spoiled with gifts, and had so much fun being with her friends. She is seriously the most social girl I have ever seen! The girl wakes up asking to go play with friends, and is planning out tomorrow as she goes to bed. Drives me SLIGHTLY crazy, but she is such a doll! Hooray for Bailey Bop!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary! To my dear, sweet husband! We have made it 8 years, I cannot believe it. My mother in law called me to wish us Happy Anniversary this morning, and we were discussing how I cannot believe it has been 8 years. Two more and we will be at 10, which seems like SOOO long! Today looks to be much nicer weather than our wedding day, it snowed and rained before, and that’s when our pictures were supposed to be. Of course, when we came out it was nice and sunny, and we dragged our not so nice photographer over from another wedding for a second to take a few shots with all of our family. It was such a great day though. I remember just feeling like it was all a dream. As we drove away from the temple, I just kept thinking, “This is real! We are really married!” 3.25 kids in 8 years is not too shabby, crazy in fact! I love my husband, especially because he puts up with me so well on the days that I am not the easiest to put up with. He really is SO good to me, and works so incredibly hard for our family. It was fun going through our wedding pictures to post some on here. If you notice my hair is up in some, and down in some, that is because we got married Friday, and had our reception Saturday. I did not want to be rushed on my wedding day, so we got married at 4 PM, and then had a nice relaxed wedding dinner, and then our wonderful families had the whole next day to set up the reception. However, when I went to get my hair done for the reception, I realized I had a HICKEY on my neck!!! (Total accident, my neck does that really easily for some reason) Mike was so embarrassed, and couldn’t look my dad in the eye! LOL! Anywhoo, tried to cover it up with make up, but to no avail, so we opted to go with half up, half down to try and hide it. (My parents and family told everyone anyway!) Fun times! Then we had an awesome Honeymoon in Hawaii!! (maybe we’ll get back there for our 10 year) We actually got a date on Friday to celebrate (Thanx to Mike's sister Michelle and her husband for watching our kids!) We went to eat at Iggy's (the highlight of that place for me is the YUMMY cheesecake!) Then we went and saw Taken. If you have not seen it yet--I highly recommend it. Although, if you have daughters, you will never want to let them out of your sight! Funny, I was just thinking about how we have spent our past Anniversary's, and they have been very different. For one of them, four years ago, we had lunch, and then had a baby! Love you Honey, Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more!

Friday, April 3, 2009

To whom it may concern...

I really would like to have a few things in my life that belong to me. My blog is one of them. I love the Blogger world, and think it is a great tool to catch up with friends and family. What a sad day when people cowardly use them to lash out at people. I really do not want to have to start the whole comment moderation, so do as Thumper said "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." I am a good, nice person--if you don't know that, that you don't know me. I post good, nice things about my family, and our going on's. Please don't clutter up my comment section with things you are too weak to say to my face. The people that this is meant for know who they are--everyone else, feel free to post me a nice fluffy comment about how super you think I am, and how seeing cute pictures of my kids makes you smile! Who doesn't love blog comments--they make you feel all warm a fuzzy inside! I just think it is sad that some people have nothing better to do. Honestly--get a life! You know my email, and my telephone number, if you have something you absolutely must say to me, do it in one of those ways. Don't use my blog, your comment will simply be deleted. Again--love to all my happy peeps out there! Have a super fantastic day!