Saturday, August 29, 2009

My son. the professional Kindergartener

This is actually the second day of school, but it was so cute--Kyle has been wearing a backpack around ALL the time, wanting to be like his big brother!

It was a little chaotic to say the least when I dropped Tyler off the first day (what can I say--my first time too!) But I snapped one photo of him playing, and oblivious to what's going on! So funny to see him with the other kids, because he is at LEAST a head taller than all of them. The playground lady has even asked him several times if he is really supposed to be on the kindergarten playground. :)

Here he is--"Going Hero!" as Ben 10 would say. I still cannot believe my little man is in kindergarten! A few days before school started, I got an overwhelming feeling about the fact that this is it for him--school for the next 12 years at least. WOW! He is so excited though. There has been a little confusion with his teacher and stuff, they had to hire another teacher because they ended up with a lot more kids than they thought. He was upset to not have the teacher that he had met for the testing, but the morning of his second day (he has been waking up at 6 or earlier because he is SO excited) he came in and was talking to me, and he said "I don't just like it, I LOVE IT!!" He says the best things. His temporary teacher came up to me after the first day and said "Holy cow, he is reading and everything already!" He is such a great boy, I am so proud of him. I had the proudest mommy moment while he was doing his assesment, so fun to see you kids grow up. :)

I had to include this on here. Mike has been working on this for a while, and is so proud of it. You can't see in the daylight, but he even put lights on it! He plans on lighting it up every win (Which hopefully is a lot!) He's received some razzing from a few neighbors, but he is super excited about it. What a handy man, and a BYU nut I have! Love both!


danette said...

Caleb has also been about a head taller than all the other kids. Just wait until he is only 9 and his feet are bigger than yours.

Bill and Valerie Cobabe said...

You have great kids, Lindsey; Tyler, Bailley, Kyle,



Alisha said...

GO BYU!!!! I thought you guys were UTE fans.......