Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Here we go again.

(This top one is the one from 6 1/2 weeks. I have never had an ultrasound that early--not really much there but a clump of cells. But you could see the heart beating already in the middle--nothing better :))

I have kept the secret pretty darn long--especially for me. This is some sort of record for sure. I saw the doctor for my second time last week, and decided it's ok for me to be excited. So here I am--sharing my news--with all y'all! I am just about 12 weeks along--my due date is March 5 (Happy Birthday Dad!) I went in for an ultrasound at 6 weeks, because my sweet midwife told me to come in about then so I could see that things were ok, and be more certain of a due date, as the date of my D&C isn't really accurate for figuring that out. I was honestly suprised to get pregnant this quickly. It has been a mixed bag of emotions for me. I am SCARED to death!! I have never been so anxious about anything. Well, anything I have absolutely no control over at least. I am so excited too. I was honestly heart broken when I lost the last baby, and wondered how long it would take for us to have another one. I went to the temple just a week or so after I found out, and felt such overwhelming peace while I was there. I know in that logical part of my brain things will be ok. But boy it is hard to not let the other train of thought run away with me. It's amazing how attached you become to the little peanut--whether you like it or not. I swear I have been sicker this time, which is good, and bad. My husband has been so sweet and patient, and my kids have been great to fend for themselves on the days I am not "high-functioning."

So, here we go again. Hopefully things turn out better this time than last. I am sure they will. God is good, and the sun truly does come out tomorrow.


Tori said...

Ya Congrats that is so awesome that your expecting again. I was starting to wonder when you kept saying on facebook that you were feeling sick.

Stephanie said...

I think this is great! Like Tori I kinda' had a hunch that you were expecting with all your Facebook comments. :)

Daffany said...

WOOHOO! congrats girl! Do you go to aspens???? who do you see?

Dave n Bre plus thr3e! :o) said...

Congrats!! That's exciting! Best wishes that all goes well!! ~Bre (Thompson) :o)

Sidni Nielson said...

Congratulations Linds. Your in my prayers!

andersons said...


Bill and Valerie Cobabe said...

We have a Father in heaven who loves us, and if we are patient and learn the lessons he wants us to understand, it will all be good. That will be true for you and your family, Lindsey.

You also have a Mom and Dad who love you very much and who are very proud of you.


Tiffany said...

Congrats!!! March babies are the best :) So, sorry about the sickness. I know how you feel (too bad that doesn't help eh)

Game night first part of Sept??