I went to see sweet Marcia in the hospital today, and she was in such better spirits. Her color has improved 10 fold, and she is able to eat soft foods and drink. She also can feel tingling (which she says hurts a lot) in her left arm and leg, which is great news! She was joking about the way her face droops, she said she looks like a Halloween mask. I told her she looks beautiful, which she does. She said she'd scare the grandkids, and that Bailey would say "Grandma--what happened to your face?!" Bailey would just want to snuggle by her on that great bed and want to watch Fantasia. That's what I love about kids, they can look past the fear, and just see grandma. At first I was only telling them grandma wasn't feeling well and she's in the hospital, but last night Tyler was saying he wanted to go see her. I decided this was the time to try and explain a little more, and told them that Grandma got an "owie" in her brain, and from books we have we've learned that your brain is the boss of the rest of your body, and so Grandma's brain forgot how to work her arm and leg. But it will get better, and we just have to keep praying for her. Today after I got back from seeing her, Tyler asked if she still can't move her arm or leg, with cute actions. I told him no, but she is working on it. I am seeing the power of prayer in her--she probably should have died from the initial stroke, and then a couple of times since, but she is doing remarkably well. I told her this is just a way for us to get to take care of her for a change, and she HAS to let us! Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers. Keep them coming.
5 months ago
I'm glad to read this. Thanks for the update. Love ya!
Keep us posted on how she is doing!
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