So I have recently, as of today, been awaken to the fact that there are some people out there who think my sister Amie is dying! I don't know where they are getting there info, but she's not going anywhere. Amie is my oldest sibling. She is 9 years older than I am. That is a large span, especially when you consider that she moved out of the house when I was only 8. She has been amazing to me though. Her and her husband took my little brother and I to Disneyland at a time when we needed to be away from our house for a while. Now that I am old enough to realize how BIG that was, especially for 2 starving students, I will be forever grateful. On the way home she drilled me for hours about my first kiss, which no one else would have done. I spent an entire summer with her after she had surgery on her ankle. I was down there to help her with her toddler, but she ended up helping me through one of my life's greatest crisis' up to that point. She has never treated me like her baby sister, but always as an equal. She has been there for me to listen to me cry about my problems, and I'd like to think I've done the same for her a time or 2. When Amie was 5, she had cancer. What an aweful thing for a 5 year old to have to go through. I cannot imagine my 5 year having cancer--I'm not sure I'd be able to hold it together. She made it through that, but has suffered from it's effects ever since. She was not able to carry her own children, but has been able to adopt 2 beautiful kids--who were definitely sent to her! Within the few years she has had a lot of complications health wise, and a few weeks ago had a tumor removed from her kidney, which they found to be cancerous. BUT, she does not have cancer. They removed the entire tumor, and found no more cancer in the surrounding tissue. She mentioned in her blog that she wondered if it had returned because she lacked faith somehow. I am writing this because I want Amie to know that she is one of the greatest examples of faith I have ever known. Heavenly Father doesn't give us more than we can handle. Not to say I have not questioned why things happen, but we are always forced to remember that we are STRONG! I hope Amie doesn't mind me posting this, I just wanted to put this out there in the blogging world I guess. Amie is not going anywhere because I won't let her! She means too much to too many people, and who'd take care of all those DARN animals?!! And besides, we all know she's too stubborn. Thank you Amie for who you are. You always have and always will give me something to strive for.
5 months ago
Nice one, Lindsey. Some of those things I didn't know - way to go to Disneyland while I was on my mission...
So, I have to agree - we lucked out in the sister department. I have been blessed with three wonderful sisters. You guys all rock.
It's interesting that when we pray for strength and patience and faith and humility, the Lord sends us trials. My patriarchal blessing reminds me that trials are given to us to be a refining influence in our lives. It reminds me of Joseph Smith saying his life was like a rough stone rolling down the hill - chunks get knocked off here and there, which is a painful process - but in the end we end up smoother, more refined, and in the shape the Lord wants us to be. So that's why good (but hard) things happen to good people - because the Lord loves us.
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