Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Arizona

Here is Bailey in her sunglasses. I think this is her 3rd pair so far, but she just has to have them. Especially since mom & dad had theirs on.
Tyler borrowed my sunglasses, because the sun was in his eyes while he was trying to sleep.
I gave in and gave Kyle a sucker. He was so done being in the car, and we still had 2 hours left. I think the drive home ended up taking us 2 hours longer than the way there, after all the stops. It was a very fun visit though, and we made it home.
We had turkey for dinner on sunday, and Tyler said "Mom, turkey dipped in rootbeer is delicious!"
YUM!!! What a boy he is. Goof ball.
Courtnie & Kyle. She just loved him. She was asking to hold him all the time. What a good helper. She stayed hom from the hockey game to help the baby-sitter. Bailey kept calling her sister, it was great! Bailey pulled Courtnie around everywhere by the hand "Come on Courtnie" I guess Bailey needs a sister--SOMEDAY! (Years from now)

4 out of 5 kids, Tyler is laying on the floor out of the picture. Just before Ian & Courtnie headed back to school. None of us wanted to leave, especially Bailey. She asks several times a day to go back to Courtnie's someday.
We stopped and took this shot, as it was the closest we got to the Grand Canyon. It would have been another 2 hours or so in the van, and none of us were up for that. Another time. Maybe! We would love to live near these guys, we had such a great time.


Friday night the "grown-ups" went to a hockey game. Prescott Valley has a minor league team called the Sun Dogs. It was a lot of fun, but Tyler was ready to leave about 30 seconds into it.
Cheese! We had to get a picture showing the ice behind him.
I guess Mike snuck a picture of me doing the Y-M-C-A. Nice! I tried really hard to keep Tyler entertained--to the point of corney! We made it though the whole game though.
Tyler was there for the food.
Kind of fuzzy, but this was the Zamboni. Tyler thought that looked like a pretty cool job. They even had a fun song about being a Zamboni driver. We didn't get any pictures of the fights, but there were a few. You know that's what people are there to see. I wonder if they rehurse them before hand. One guy got knocked out for a while, and when he got up, they played "Welcome back!"


This was HILARIOUS!! We watched Nacho Libre the first night we were at Amie & Gordon's, and Gordon busted out the Mexican wrestler masks. My kids were a little scared at first, but then they thought it was funny too.
Here's Tyler, he even has the muscles to go with the mask!
Ian and Courtnie wrestling--Courtnie can really hold her own.The guys took the kids to Freedom Station, a place with soft play toys and things while Amie & I went shopping. (We had to go shopping--how often do we as sisters get together?)
Here is Ian--scaling the wall. What a tough guy!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stitches, and costumes--oh my!

Bailey came in screaming this morning--she had fallen off her scooter and split her chin open. We went to the doctors--thank goodness for Alpine Pediatrics! We didn't have to go to the ER to get stitched up, less $$ and not so scary for her. They ended up just doing the glue instead of having to do stitches--which was great! She was so brave, when it first happened she kept saying her nose was bleeding, because she frequently gets those, and just assumed that was it when she fell and was bleeding. Tyler was so cute wanting to help. He got bandaids, and juice for her. Too bad the poor girl was cursed with her mom's coordination.
Tyler's new Incredibles costume finally came. We told him he had to earn it, and he has been doing really well. The morning after it came, we still had not given it to him, and he knocked on our door at about 6 AM and said he'd like some jobs to do to earn his costume. What a goof he is! He is the one who bid on the costume on Ebay--he is too smart for his own good sometimes. I didn't know he had bid on it until I got the email asking for payment! He loves it though. He can't wait to show his cousins Ian and Courtnie when we go visit them this weekend. He and Bailey have asked if it is time to go see them yet several times a day for the last week. We are all excited!
Kyle loves to help with the dishes now--at least one man in the house is! (hint, hint)
Here is Kyle playing with a toy. I cannot believe how "grown-up" he is getting! Time sure goes by fast. We went to his 9 month check-up yesterday. He is 22 lbs and 30 inches long. He was so brave with the shots too--not one cry! The nurse said that was the best she'd ever seen! He gets a lot of practice being tough at home with brother & sister. He loves to pull up on everything.
I wanted to give an update on my flowers--I am so excited about them! This is the first year we planted bulbs, and to see them coming up makes me proud. The snow crocus' are up, and the tulips are coming. Fun, Fun--hooray for Spring.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hide and Seek

OK--so I got sucked in to the Twilight book! Everyone else seems to be doing it, so I figured it must be good. Plus, it's nice to have something just for me. I am really liking it, just barely getting to the vampire stuff, so we'll see.
The kids were playing in the toy room, and then suddenly it was quiet. Never a good sign around here. I ran to look what was going on, and they weren't in there anymore! I heard rustling from the bathroom, and all 3 of them we in the shower, just hanging out & eating chips. Tyler has taken to picking Kyle up and bringing him everywhere, despite the fact that he can crawl on his own. No judgements on the state of that shower either! It's the one room in our house we haven't done anything with, because it hardly gets used, and there are so many other things we'd like to do first.

Hooray for Preschool!

Last week in preschool, Tyler learned about teeth, and dental health. He came home and told me about the roots, and enamel, wow!
He got a chart to put stickers on when he brushes--he came right home and got his and Bailey's toothbrushes out, and the toothpaste! I've been scaring him into brushing for a while now by showing all my fillings from not brushing so well when I was a kid. Now he wants to brush, because Ms. Diane said it's a good thing. Thank you Ms. Diane!
This week is Doctor Suess. They made Cat in the Hat hats, and he said, I really wish we had Green Eggs and Ham. What a turkey! I talked with his teacher last night, (she's in my ward) and she said he's doing great, and she is amazed at how much he knows. I had a proud mom moment and just about cried! He is so my child in the behavior area, and it is great to have found a teacher who can see past the occasional behavior issue, to how great a kid he can be. I had so really horrible teachers in Elementry school, and hope to avoid that for him. His new things to say is, "I just can't stop thinking about Incredibles." or whatever else he can't seem tto get out of his mind. What a character he is.
Speaking of brushing teeth--Daddy must have given Kyle an ice cream cone. He looks happy though.
We gave Kyle spagetti for the first time--that's always a great photo. Sure makes for fun clean up too! We stripped him down, except the socks, which I still found noodles in even after the wash! The bandaid on the side of his head was from a dive off of our bed. Now that he's crawling, nothings safe!