What is his name?Mike--Michael if he's in trouble. Or baber, or ramma (long story)
How long have you been together? 7 years baby!
How long did you date? 4 weeks--2 of which were spent apart!
Who eats more? I win for sure in the sweets department. If we were having a pepper or chips and salsa eating contest--he'd kill!
Who said I love you first? I think it was me--I said "I think I'm falling in love with you." Sounds convincing huh?
Who is taller? Mike--about 3 inches
Who has more speeding tickets? Mike, but only after he met me--finally had someone to hurry home to!
Who is smarter? Depends.
Who is more sensitive? Me for sure--I think I've seen him cry once! I feel like Monica & Chandler sometimes. ;)
When there is a fight who usually wins? I'd have to say no one. I hate fighting!
Who does the laundry? Me. The time he tried, he thought the Downy ball was the soap (no detergent was added!) Sometimes I can get him to change them from the washer to the dryer.
Who does the dishes? Mostly me, but when he wants something...
Who sleeps on the right? If your'e looking at the bed, or once your'e in it? Looking at the bed, I'm on the right. He wouldn't even give up his side when I was pregnant (closer to the potty!)
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who mows the lawn? I have once since we've been in our house. It's a source of pride for him. He used to mow lawns during the summer.
Who cooks dinner? Me, or the occasional drive-thru if I'm lucky. He is excellent at grilling!
Who drives when you are together? Mostly Mike--that way I have to manage the kids.
Who is more stubborn? I don't think either of us are too stubborn.
Who kissed who first? Mike asked several times before I gave in. (shocker--I know)
Who asked who out first? He did--on the computer. I made him walk over and ask me out in person.
Who proposed? He did of course! It took him a few times, but here we are.
Who has more siblings? Him--3 brothers & 5 Sisters! Yes--that makes 9 total! Me 2 Sisters & 4 brothers.
Who wears the pants? Probably me--don't ask him!
I Tag--YOU!!!