Monday, January 4, 2010

Still here

Boy what a slacker I am!! I cannot believe how fast time has FLOWN by. How is it already 2010?? How do I have just over 8 weeks left until this little one is due? WOW is all I can say. The Holidays were great for us, we had a lot of fun spending time with our little family, as well as our extended families. Tyler made the sweetest comment as we were driving to Mike's parents on Christmas Day--he said, "The thing I love most about this time of year is how much time we get to spend with our families!" Who could say it better? And coming from a 6 year old boy who just got loaded up with presents, it was extra big. Now for a massive unloading of pictures from the last what, almost 2 months?! In no particular order of course--since blogger is no longer my friend!

Bailey Jean in her Chirstmas dress. Getting a new dress on Christmas and Easter is one of my favorite memories. Fun to be able to share it with my daughter now. :)

Tyler in his new Christmas duds. We could not get him to pose seriously for anything--guess it just lets his personality shine thru!

We (I should say I pushed for it) were crazy enough to stand in line for over an hour to see Santa at the Fashion Place Mall. A bunch of people on KSL said he was the best Santa--NOT worth the wait in my opinion. It was funny to see Tyler have a Christmas Story moment though when Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas. He had repeated the same thing every other time someone asked--but this time, it was "I want, I've always wanted..." I chimed in--a Transformer?! "Ya--a Transformer." Goofy kid!

Mike ever so patiently waiting in line. I finally had to sit down for a few minutes, as my lovely feet have started turning into marshmellows, like they did with Tyler.

Here is Bailey in her pretty Christmas dress from Grandma "Idaho"

Mike cut out a bunch of ornaments for our tree, and we caved and let the kids help paint them. Even Kyle--which was a HUGE leap! They all loved it though, and the clean up wasn't too bad. I needed to recover my chairs anyway. ;)

Right before Thanksgiving, Bailey decided to give herself a haircut. I was out running some errands--so I blame Mike completely! ;) Funniest part about it is that Tyler saw her hair on the floor, and thought she'd cut HIS hair, so he cut a huge chunk out of the back of her hair--to even the score. Lucky for us, Alisha (who cuts our hair) loves us, and got us in the next day to fix it. Now she is sporting a spunky little bob, which I actually love. But we had a serious discussion about just WHO is allowed to cut our hair.

Had to throw this one in here! An awesome lady in my ward threw a New Moon party for the premiere, and I talked my sister in law Andrea and my neighbor Kira into going with me. It was a LOT of fun--especially since I was already a huge Jacob Fan. :D

Randomly thrown in here is a shot of this delcious pumpkin cake I made! SOOOO good. So not in anyone's diet, but yummy just the same. If only I was married to a man that actually enjoyed sweets like I do, I'd have eaten less of this than I did. But again, YUMM-O!

Tyler's school had a "Dad's and doughnuts" day, where kids got to bring their dads, and a book and have chocolate milk and doughnuts before school. So much fun!

This should have been at the top, to go in order, but whatever! During Super Saturday (while Mike also had Youth Conference) the kids were in Childrens Class, and had a BLAST! They made all sorts of Thanksgiving crafts--including these outfits.


Stephanie said...

I had to make a similiar "Catch-Up-December" post on our blog - gotta' love it.`

Why Not said...

So fun...thanks for updating! Why didn't you share the yummy treat with me instead of Mike? I will appreciate it.

Tiffany said...

Glad you haven't totally fallen off the blog band wagon!