Thursday, November 12, 2009

One last ode to Fall.

SOOO, Mike has been gone all week, and the leaves in the front yard needed some serious attention. Uggh. That's the part of fall I don't look forward too. Except to watch my kids play in them. So this morning I went out to finish up, in anticipation of stormy weather, and not wanting yucky wet leaves everywhere. Bailey and Kyle play really well together--when they want to. It was fun to watch them try and be helpers. Bailey is only in a couple of these because she was all business about getting all of the leaves raked up.

What a stinkin' cutie!

Cheese Ball! (that is one of our favorite things Kyle says)

"Here is a pretty leaf mom!"

Kyle doesn't get that he should jump in the leaves, he just loves the sound and feel as he runs through them.

My two hams. (And turkeys sometimes too!)


Tiffany said...

One thing about living out here in the middle of no where there are not many leaves to rake up :) Give us a good 15+ years and I'll be the one jumping in them!!!

andersons said...

Can your kids come to my house and help us rake all our leaves :)?