Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Indians & Mexicans--Hey, hey!

Mike's sister & her husband had Tyler and Bailey over for a sleep over a couple of weeks ago, as part of my birthday gift from them. What a great gift! If was nice to just have one child, I'm not going to lie. We get to go out on dates with no kids, but it was weird to just have Kyle with us. It was almost like the days when we just had Tyler (which we not near long enough!!) They slept in this fun TeePee (spelling??) that belonged to Elden when he was little. Fun times--I think I need to make one!
Thought I'd give a full shot of the Teepee
Annie & Elden came over yesterday with a Pinata for Cinco de Mayo! We had enchiladas, and then went after the pinata. This is Elden with the kids. Kyle was not as excited as the rest of us.
Hy-Yah! Bailey has a great swing!
Tyler wanted to swing from the top of the car--I guess he thought it would give him a better chance at breaking it open. No such luck. The bird finally gave up the goods after a few wacks from uncle Elden.


Sidni Nielson said...

When ever my kids see a pinata in the store, they try to hit it to see if the candy will fall out. So if you see a damaged pinata..... WE WERE NEVER THERE!

Sarah Anne said...

Do you remember my Raggedy Ann teepee?? We used to play in that all the time :)