Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Little turkeys!!

So you just have to laugh at this one. I bought some Sweedish Fish at the store (big mistake to take kids to the store, now I realize why my parents never wanted us to go to the store with them. I always come out with a few extra things. And why in the heck do they put all that crap right by the check-stands? DEVILS!!) Anyway, so a few hours later, Tyler came in and showed me he had made a fish bowl, by putting Sweedish Fish in a squirt bottle, and some water from the pool. I went and looked outside, and he and Bailey had dumped all the fish into the pool--hoping to see them swim I guess. I love my children!

Here is my goofiest child! He was trying to cover one eye, like a pirate or something. What a goofy kid. We have some fun times while the other 2 are napping. I don't think you can really see it in this picture, and I chose not to post a full shot of it, but he got a bad sunburn. We got a swimming pool last week, and he has been playing out there naked. (Good thing we have a fence) He got a pretty bad sunburn on his back, and last night I noticed it is peeling. I asked him to let me look at it, and he FRIEKED OUT that his skin is peeling off! The look on his face was priceless. I am pretty sure he won't be going out without sunblock anymore. He told me he thought it was Toliet Paper when he saw it on his back! I reassured him that he has new skin underneath the stuff that's peeling off, and he said he was so happy. Another consequence of swimming naked in the backyard is he has bug bites on his little bum. That turned into a discussion on mosquitos, which was funny. It's interesting to explain things like why Jesus made a bug that sucks your blood. And why does it itch? And why do they bite your bum? And can I spray him with bug spray? But not the kind that kills the bugs, but the kind that keeps them away. It has been so fun to have a child that is getting older, and asking questions that I actually have to think about the answers.


Ok, so it's not the end of the world, yet. But it will be here at some point, and Mike & I finally decided we better get our food storage already. Lucky for me Mike's family is totally gung-ho on the whole food storage thing, and I can benefit from their knowledge. We are trying to not get to extreme about it, no dooms-dayers here, we just want to have things in case of an emergency. I hope to not have to EVER use my wheat grinder, but am glad to know I have one now. A few weeks ago we canned butter. You heard me right--it is supposed to last a few years this way, on the shelf! Good to know we'll have something to put on all that wheat bread we'll have. It was a fun experience, we made 12 pounds! You may laugh, but you'll be coming to me for butter, just you wait!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Indians & Mexicans--Hey, hey!

Mike's sister & her husband had Tyler and Bailey over for a sleep over a couple of weeks ago, as part of my birthday gift from them. What a great gift! If was nice to just have one child, I'm not going to lie. We get to go out on dates with no kids, but it was weird to just have Kyle with us. It was almost like the days when we just had Tyler (which we not near long enough!!) They slept in this fun TeePee (spelling??) that belonged to Elden when he was little. Fun times--I think I need to make one!
Thought I'd give a full shot of the Teepee
Annie & Elden came over yesterday with a Pinata for Cinco de Mayo! We had enchiladas, and then went after the pinata. This is Elden with the kids. Kyle was not as excited as the rest of us.
Hy-Yah! Bailey has a great swing!
Tyler wanted to swing from the top of the car--I guess he thought it would give him a better chance at breaking it open. No such luck. The bird finally gave up the goods after a few wacks from uncle Elden.