Love blogger and the picture order! Oh well, here is my much anticipated Halloween post. I know Y'all have been dying to see my cute family in our Halloween digs. :)

Could I be any bigger?! Holy cow, and I still have 4 months left. This is definitely my LAST kid--I don't think I can buy clothes to fit a HOUSE!! :P

Tyler is such an amazing helper. Sometimes he is a little TOO much in Kyle's "personal space," but he is so sweet! Here we are starting off to the "trunk or treat" in Mike's parents neighborhood.

This is Tyler at the end of the Halloween Parade at school. They let the parents pile into the gym to see the little kids--so fun!

I was able to go help with the Halloween party for Tyler's class. It was fun, and CRAZY!!! I don't know how his teacher does that everyday. Takes a special kind of person--and they deserve saint hood!!

This should be with the one at the end, but at our ward party they had a doughnut on a string thing, and the young men convinced Mike, the Bishop and his wife, and another guy in the ward to compete against each other. It was funny! they were way too close together, but it was fun to watch. This is Mike WINNING! That's my guy. :)

And Optimus Prime showed up at our house. I was suprised he fit in the door. And he turns out to be much nice than I thought he'd be.

Here is my not so smily BYU Cheerleader. She said this is her happy smile--whatever! When people would ask her for a cheer, she would barely whisper it--goof ball.

And here is my sweet mini-Optimus. He loved being the same thing as Tyler, and even kept the mask on most of the time--much to my suprise.

Here is Mike going up against the Bishop. Looks a little like they might be going in for a KISS if you ask me. HA!