Saturday, February 27, 2010

Emery Mia :)

Announcing Princess Emery!! She was born at 6:07 Feb 26th. NINE pounds 10 oz, and 20 inches long.

Mike did this when they took her down for her bath. He told her to hold the card, and she did. He thinks it looks like her little mug shot. :)

No special effects here, but this is my wonderful Midwife Heather Johnson. Anyone having a baby in Utah County--I HIGHLY recommend her. She was awesome!

Just ignore anything else in this picture! She had a big knot in her cord. There were several things that could have been bad, and worked out just right to let this little one be here. They said the cord was around her neck, and the way her cord inserted into her placenta was not right, and could have been fatal! The nurses and my midwife kept calling her miracle baby. She is! My little ray of hope--in miracles. :)
So--things got a little mixed up, with medical politics and stuff I guess, and I ended up delivering at a different hospital, but they have been great here, and as long as it all works out one way or another with the insurance, I am happy. :) We came in around 11:30, got all set up (IV and such) and then waited for my midwife. After about an hour and a 1/2, the nurse called her, and relaized I was supposed to be started on Pitocin right when we got here, and THEN she was planning on coming over to break my water. Heather came over about 2:30 and broke my water (SOOO fun BTW) Then the contractions started coming really strong, and hard, and right on top of each other. I still had no epidural at this point, but the baby was so high up, and I KNEW she was posterior. (Face up) I was in a lot of pain, and losing my strength. The nurse checked me, and I was a 6+, but the baby was still really high up, and killing my back. Not too much later I decided I was ready to give in and get me an EPIDURAL already! What was I thinking?? As my mom just put it--would you go get a root canal with no numbing or anything--just to see what it was like? lol--needless to say, when the anestheologist came in, he was my HERO! Not to say I wouldn't have loved to say I did it, and I FULLY admire those who do, but man, I was ready. I got really sleepy right afterwards, probably because I could finally relax, and I took a nice nap for an hour or so. I woke up feeling pressure, and had the nurse come check me. Sure enough, ready to go. :) I love all the rushing around that goes on as they get ready for the baby to be born. A couple good pushes (which were much more painful than I had felt with my other babies!) and here she was! (All 9 lbs 10 0z--I knew she was BIG, and turns out she was posterior) She is such a little angel. So sweet--That moment when you look at your little one for the first time, I wish I could bottle it up, and let a little out on a bad day. Last night I couldn't sleep for a while, and I just laid here and cried to my Heavenly Father for this little girl. SO grateful for her. HUGE thank you to Andrea and Michelle for watching my 3 other "angels." And my mom was able to be here supporting us too--so great!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

More "stuff" we've been up to :D

Let me just start out by saying HOLY COW!!! I cannot believe my little ticker over there says only 15 days left. I find myself conflicted in about a million different ways. This has felt like the longest pregnancy ever, because as I see it, it honestly has. I was pregnant for 15 weeks before I found out I had "miscarried," then had my D and C, then got pregnant right away again (which I am SOO grateful for) So I have effectively been pregnant for over a year at this point. But, in the same breath I find myself wanting to complain about how miserable I am, I am have found myself savoring this pregnancy so much. Knowing this is our last, and also because of the miscarrage I guess has made me want to cherish ever little kick and twist. Having Bailey around who loves to feel the baby moving helps too! Now that I am here, on the home stretch, it feels crazy. My other 3 kids have come early (Tyler 2 weeks early, and 9 lbs 2 oz; Bailey 3 weeks early 7 lbs 2 oz, and Kyle 2 weeks early and 8 lbs 2 oz). But this baby seems to be changing that mold--so far at least. At my last dr's appt., she said I wasn't dialated AT ALL!!?? What is so different about this baby? I joked with my aunt the other day that it must hear me getting after the other kids, and be fine staying where it's at! I have a dr.'s appt. tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes I guess. She said she would induce me at 39 weeks, which is next Friday, and would work out wonderfully as far as schedules go--especially having someone to watch the other kids. But then I feel anxious about that for some reason. AHHH--the mind of a pregnant woman--what do you do??!! I guess either way this baby will be here in a week or so. And we are all so excited!! Mike has been so wonderful to give in to my list of nesting "demands." And I have found a love for sewing I never thought I'd have. (Now if I could just do the same for running :))
And yes, I am brave enough to believe it is a girl, and decorate accordingly! This is something I saw online somewhere a few years ago, and have been itching to do it in the babies room.

Mostly finished Bailey's/babies room. I love it! I walk past and just look in it and smile. Especially when Bailey's in there sleeping with the little flower light on. :)

Randomly in here, but the kids LOVE going to visit Grandma Livingston, especially when she reads stories. (She tells an amazing story--voices and all)

I just finished the car seat cover today--HOORAY!! I finished it up, and told Mike, "Ok, NOW we can have the baby."

Can't wait to put the little munchkin in it!

Mike also painted our room last weekend. (Happy Valentines Day) I am horrible at picking out paint colors, and have not been super happy with our room color since we moved in. (5 years ago--I can't believe that either) So right before Christmas when we went to visit my brother and his wall color was exactly what I wanted--I hounded him until he told me what it was. I love it! Feels like a whole new room.

And here we have my ONE obligatory preggo-belly picture. Wow--what a hottie! :P

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nesting... (Does that make me a momma bird?)

Car seat canopy. The inside is just about done--thanks to Alisha. So excited to put my little bug in it--sooner rather than later hopefully!
My first blanket (with lot's of phone calls to my wonderful mom!) I think it turned out pretty nicely. I am officially addicted to sewing now. It's so fun to have an idea for something, and see it come to life. :)

YES--those are my ankles! And no, it's not broken, just swollen like crazy!!! Attractive I know.(good thing Mike's stuck with me already)