So Tyler had his first soccer practice on Thursday, and I think I was more excited than he was. For sure Mike and I were more excited by the time it was over. He came over and sat down by me and took his shin guards off, and said he didn't like soccer! I really don't want to be one of those moms that lives her dreams through her kids or anything, but when I was Tyler's age, I never even had a chance to play city league ANYTHING! 7 kids, not much money for things like that you know. Once I did get to play in 4th or 5th grade, I loved it! Some of my best memories are from playing soccer. When we moved to Roosevelt, there was barely a soccer program, so few people played they had the boys and girls together, and the coaching was a joke--so that fizzled out for me. I want him to be able to have a fun experience, and get outside & be active too. Seems like my kids want to play outside until it's what I want them to do. I have a huge fear of them being too into TV/computer games to want to play outside. I remember when I was little, never even coming inside except to go to the bathroom, and maybe eat something. Now it seems like things are so different. Maybe it's in part because people are worried about bad things happening to their kids (as am I BELIEVE me!) or maybe we are just at the wrong end of our street, or maybe my kids are still just too young, but we need to be outside more. I am totally guilty of sending them downstairs to play so I can get some stuff done. What do you do though? I try hard to play with them, and get the cleaning done, but I have to clean sometime. Anyway--back to soccer huh?

We showed up early, and Tyler met a little friend named Mark. I think part of why he ended up not wanting to play was because his coach put Mark on the other team, and Tyler was sad he didn't know anyone on his side. I think Tyler is the youngest one on the team, which should be interesting. They got socks, shorts, a jersey & a ball. For $75, I guess they should get all that huh? Fun that they get their own smaller ball. He came right home and wrote his name on it.

I managed to get a few shots while he was interested. I've decided that part of the problem is that he gets frustrated when he doesn't know how to do something, and soccer is a whole nwe thing. Also, there are 14 boys on the team, which seems like a whole lot.

Had to put this one in here--I got Tyler a little Spider Man pen, which I didn't know had a stamp on the end of it until I found Kyle like this, and Blue ink EVERYWHERE!! He's turning into a Smurf! Needless to say, the Pen is GONE!