Friday, June 20, 2008


My sister Amie has been in town for her sons football camp at BYU, and we have been having soo much fun. We spent 2 solid days out back in the pool. This makes me wish we'd gotten a bigger onoe, but this one is safe when it's just my crazies! This was so cute, the all put chairs around and just had their feet in--so grown up.
Make a funny face!
Kyle and Parker heading up the stairs. It's fun that they are so close in age!
Gotta love when the kids get ahold of the camera. Here's Abbie making a face for the camera.
Now Tyler's turn.

Happy Birthday Kyle

Elmo cake
Mmm--good job on the cake mom! He actually did a pretty good job for a while, just piucked the whole piece up and bit on it.
Hooray for presents!
Bailey freezing from swimming!
I have to say, I am always pretty impressed when my children make it to 1 year--increasingly more so with each child, as they have the older kids to worry about.

My Dad is Better than Yours!!!

A couple of weeks ago I was at the mall, and I entered Mike into a contest called "My dad is better than yours" I forgot all about it, until Friday they called & said he was picked! We were planning on heading up to Idaho to visit my parents who just moved up there, so we put that off by a few hours and it was worth it--because he won!! It was fun to watch--they had to shoot baskets with a little nerf basketball, and shoot nerf darts at a target, take downa tent, hammer in some nails, ride a Trike--and the fastest time won. He won an awesome Little Giant ladder system. Yeah for Dad!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Technical difficulties!

OK--I tried to make a slideshow of our pictures from Disneyland, which is the post below this one. Hopefully if you click on the picture, it links you to view the slideshow. If anyone can tell me how to get it to just show on my blog--let me know! Can't say I didn't try though. We had so much fun--things overall turned out way better than I had thought they would. We hope to get back there soon!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Photobucket Album

Our first graduation day!

The 22nd was Tyler's "Graduation Day" from this year of preschool. He was so excited, and so were Mike & I, but the morning of he decided to be a stinker. He said he didn't want to go, but I convinced him that Daddy & Mommy would be so sad if we didn't get to see the program, and he agreed to go. His teacher had her house done up so cute for it! She loves bears, and she had all these bears dressed up like they were graduating--cute.
At first it seemed like things would go ok, he really wanted to sit by us though.
This is the only one of him smiling, he had a rough time after this. He would not sing, and toward the end he turned all the way around on his chair in protest. There was another boy having a tough time too (his name is Tyler also--coincidence?) He was being really disruptive, and you could see how embarassed his mom was--as were we about our Tyler's behavior. Afterward Miss Diane was talking to his mom, and said that was kind of how her Tyler acted all the time, hard to keep his attention. Then she pulled me aside and told me my Tyler never does that. That made me feel a whole lot better. I really worry about my kids in school--I had a pretty hard time with a lot of my teachers, and I don't want them to have to go through that too.
Tyler's big pout. He refused to smile, and this was the only one of these I got where he wasn't grabbing himself. That kid loves to grab! Auggh--boys!