Tuesday, December 25, 2007

More Christmas

Mike and I were so excited for Christmas morning this year--because Bailey & Tyler are old enough to be a lot of fun about opening presents. It was so fun to watch them, I didn't even care about opening any for me! Mike gave me a new sewing machine and come new knives, I guess I'd better get going on sewing and cooking!! He also gave me some new perfume, as the kids sprayed my last stuff all over the mirror in our bedroom--fun times. Mike got a new cot for hunting/camping--now he just needs a gun for his birthday maybe. He got cologne, a Book of Mormon study guide, and some other boring gifts. Seems like as we get to be adults, we just go and get what we want, so gift giving is hard.

Here is Kyle, playing with one of his toys. He wasn't quite as excited as the other two--especially with the 6:30 start.

This is the aftermath. It's too bad we had them take our garbage dumpster away, we sure could use it now!

Correction--Bailey got a sewing machine. She just started going nuts and opening everything under the tree. Including stuff for Uncle Joey and Grandma Livingston.

Here's Bailey with her My Little Pony. This is what she wished for from Santa.

Tyler kept saying--"YES! My wish came true!" as he opened his presents. SO fun to see the magic is their eyes. Here is with his R/C Lightning McQueen. We like cars just a little bit at our house.

Ready, get set--GO!!!


Here they are-ready for Santa! (Good luck on getting to sleep Christmas Eve!)
Kyle laughed and laughed about opening gifts--I think mostly because the other kids were so silly.

This is the kids opening their PJ's from the Elves. The Elves have brought pajamas to us since I was little, and they found our little family too!! We love new jamies!

Here is Bailey in her pretty Christmas dress Grandma Washington made for her. She didn't want to ever take it off!

Monday, December 17, 2007

My Life

Ok--so not good at keeping up on this already, but at least I have an excuse for this crazy time of year. Here are some pictures of my 3 crazies!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lights, Camera, Christmas

Here is Mike getting the lights started!
Wow--don't fall!
Here's what Tyler thought of his "job" in putting the lights up. Tyler kept spinning around and saying "And I will turn into SUPERMAN to save the day!"
Here's Kyle-hanging out in the saucer watching us all put up Christmas stuff. We decided to do it last night because it was so warm, and the kids have been asking to set up the tree and lights since Halloween. Mike says we need to hold off on the tree, since "Thanksgiving always gets cheated because Christmas comes after it!" So I guess we will wait until Friday for the tree, but that will be an adventure too I'm sure. Luckily, we got the prelit tree from Costco, so that's one less mess in setting it up. I am so excited for Christmas this year, I think the kids, at least Tyler and Bailey, will be a lot of fun on Christmas morning!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kyle's first Rice Ceral--he did pretty good! I couldn't eat the stuff--but I know there are things with more flavor out there.
Punkins!! (I know that's mispelled-that's how Bailey says it.)
Go Power Rangers
Cute Little Family! Daddy had a mask, but it was scarring Bailey!
Me & Kyle--my costune was very appropriate

Ok--so a mass posting of pictures--but it's a way to get started right?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Let's give it a try!

Well, here we are with a BLOG! Everybody's doing it, so why can't I? Hopefully I keep up on it, great way to journal I guess. And show off my cute kids!